chapter 11

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The next day, Nathalie woke up at 11 o'clock because she felt like sleeping in, Gabriel came into her room to check on her because he thought she was still asleep.

When Gabriel saw that Nathalie had finally woken up from her slumber he asked Nathalie "do you want to have a picnic with me and Adrien, at 12 o'clock because it's a bit late for you to have breakfast know" I would love to, Nathalie replied "Great, meet me in the garden in an hour" Gabriel said before leaving her room.

Nathalie went into the bathroom to freshen up and she decided to wear a black short sleeve top, with a white button up skirt and a denim jacket, that looks like this.

Nathalie went into the bathroom to freshen up and she decided to wear a black short sleeve top, with a white button up skirt and a denim jacket, that looks like this

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Once Nathalie had finished getting dressed, she used her crutches to walk towards the elevator and she walked into the garden and Adrien was already waiting for her.

Nathalie sat next to Adrien and they had a long conversation, until Gabriel brought the food and he layed on the picnic table.

All three of them ate, sweet potato, cottage cheese, spinach, red peppers, nuts and dark chocolate.

Once they had finished their lunch, Gabriel took the picnic basket inside and once he had returned, all three of them were just enjoying the sun.

3 hours later, Nathalie stated rubbing her eyes "is someone tired" Gabriel teased that's not funny Gabriel, you know I can't stay awake for very long, Nathalie replied in a stern tone.

Gabriel walked with Nathalie towards her room, even if she didn't have a wheelchair anymore, but someone still had to be with her, just encase she had an accident.

Once Nathalie was in her room, her and was resting on a pillow and Gabriel gave her painkillers and a glass of water, once Nathalie had finished taking her painkillers, she lied down in her bed as her sleep overtook her.

Nathalie had woken up from her 2 hour nap and she was just chilling on her phone because she was bored, at 9 o'clock Adrien came into her room and he said "do you want to watch the sunset with me and father" yes, Nathalie replied.

Adrien walked with Nathalie into the garden and they sat next to Gabriel, enjoying the beautifully, breath taking sunset, as the sky was painted in orange and yellow.

Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie enjoyed the sunset and they enjoyed the night sky that came after it as the stars twinkled in the night sky.

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