chapter 14

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It had been 6 months since Nathalie had surgery on her ankle and today would be the day that the doctor would let her go back to work or either stay on crutches for another month.
Gabriel helped Nathalie into the car and they drove towards the hospital, once they were in the doctor office, Nathalie lied down on the hospital bed and the doctor stuck a needle in Nathalie’s arm for a blood test.
The doctor then checked Nathalie over and when he touched her ankle, Nathalie didn’t wince.
The doctor took her boot off and he checked Nathalie’s weight and then he asked her to walk from the hospital bed to the wall right in front of her.
For the first time in 6 months, it felt amazing for Nathalie to finally walk again, the doctor told Gabriel and Nathalie “her ankle is perfectly fine and has heeled nicely, so she can turn back to work tomorrow” hearing those words made Gabriel and Nathalie smile and they left the hospital.
The next day, Nathalie returned back to work and Gabriel was glad to have her back as he didn’t need to do her work anymore.
Nathalie organised Gabriel’s and Adrien’s schedules, she answered 5 phone calls and 35 emails, once Nathalie had finished her work, she did her bathroom routine and she went to bed.


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