chapter 9

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The next day, Nathalie was bored of always being in her room, so she asked Gabriel if she could eat breakfast in the dining room with him and Adrien.
Gabriel helped Nathalie into her wheelchair, he pushed Nathalie towards the elevator and he pushed her into the dining room.
Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie ate cereal for breakfast in the dining room, once they had finished their breakfast, Adrien asked “do you guys want to have a movie marathon” both adults agreed.
They were all in the theatre room on a massive sofa in their pyjamas, they started their movie marathon and 2 hours later, Nathalie started to become tired.
Gabriel wheeled Nathalie back to her bedroom, he gave her painkillers and a glass of water and once Nathalie had finished taking her painkillers, she needed the toilet, so Gabriel pushed Nathalie into the bathroom and he closed the door.
Once Nathalie came out of the bathroom, she parked her wheelchair besides her bed and Gabriel lifted her out of her chair and he placed her on her bed, making sure that her right ankle was on a pillow.
Nathalie had a really long nap, longer then usual, she normally only slept for about 3 or 4 hours, but this time she was asleep for 8 hours and Gabriel had to check up on her twice because he thought that something was wrong
Nathalie woke up at 6 o’clock and she saw that Gabriel was staring at her, “sorry" Gabriel said I was just checking on you because you were asleep for so long, how you feeling? Still a little sore, Nathalie replied.
“Do you want to join me and Adrien in the dining room for dinner” yes please, Nathalie responded.
Gabriel sat Nathalie into her chair and they headed towards the dining room, Nathalie’s wheelchair was in between Adrien’s and Gabriel’s chair, for dinner it was sweet potato, turnips and red peppers.
Adrien and Gabriel were eating their dinner and they noticed that Nathalie hadn’t touched her plate, “are you ok, Nathalie” Adrien asked I’m fine, I’m just not feeling hungry, that’s all, Nathalie replied, “well your going to have to eat up, if you want your ankle to heal" Gabriel advised her.
After dinner they Continued their movie marathon, 3 hours, Nathalie started yawning, so Adrien and Gabriel helped her into bed and once Nathalie was asleep they went to bed as well.

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