chapter 8

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The next day, Nathalie woke up and she rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, once Nathalie was fully awake, she heard a knock on the door and she said “come in”.
Gabriel and Adrien entered Nathalie’s room with a tray full of cottage cheese on toast, hazelnuts, biscuits and water, they placed the tray in Nathalie’s lap and Gabriel and Adrien said in unison “how are you feeling” I’m still feeling sore and nauseous, Nathalie replied.
Nathalie had a little bit of toast and 2 biscuits because she started feeling sick, once Nathalie had finished her breakfast, Gabriel gave her painkillers to help ease her soreness.
“Nathalie, do you want to play chess with me” Adrien asked I would love to, Nathalie replied, Adrien got his chess board and a chair and he sat opposite Nathalie.
Nathalie and Adrien started playing chess, being mindful not to hurt Nathalie’s ankle, they played 2 rounds of chess, which lasted one an half hour each.
Once they finished playing chess, Nathalie asked Adrien to go and get his father because she needed help going to the bathroom.
Gabriel entered Nathalie’s room and he helped her into her wheelchair, he pushed her into the bathroom and he closed the door to give Nathalie some privacy.
Once Nathalie came out of the bathroom, Gabriel helped her get back into bed with her ankle resting on top of a pillow, Nathalie’s eyes started to become heavy, so she closed her eyes and she took a nap.
While Nathalie was asleep, Gabriel went to the office and he started doing Nathalie’s work because he knew that if he left Nathalie’s work unattended, her work would start piling up and when Nathalie returns back to work, Gabriel would prefer it if she had less work, rather then her stressing out about how much she had to finish.
Once Gabriel had finished doing Nathalie’s work, he started making dinner for everyone.
Nathalie woke up and as she welcomed the sun light into her room, there was a knock at the door, Nathalie said “come in" and Gabriel and Adrien entered her room with a trolley filled with three trays.
Gabriel and Adrien told Nathalie that they were going to eat dinner with her and all three of them were eating Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
Once Nathalie had finished her dinner, Gabriel handed Nathalie her second painkiller for today and once everyone had finished eating dinner, Gabriel took the trolley away and he returned with a few board games.
Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie were playing games like four in a row, snakes and ladders, guess who, etc.
While they were playing Ludo, Nathalie’s ankle started hurting, when it was Nathalie’s turn to roll the dice, she told Gabriel and Adrien that her ankle hurts and that she’s not in the mood.
Adrien packed the game away and Gabriel made sure that Nathalie was comfortable, Adrien and Gabriel gave Nathalie a light hug because she was in pain and they left Nathalie’s bedroom, so she could goto sleep and they went to sleep as well.

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