chapter 7

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The next day, Gabriel and Adrien were in Nathalie’s hospital room, with a bag full of clothes to change in to because they knew that Nathalie wouldn’t want to be seen in public wearing a hospital gown.
The nurse checked Nathalie’s blood pressure and temperature, the nurse told the three of them that Nathalie isn’t allowed to wear jeans or anything that will cover her cast and that she’s only allowed to wear tops, t-shirts, sweaters, jackets, shorts, knee length leggins, mini skirts and mini dresses.
Adrien handed Nathalie the bag full of clothes and she choice a purple oversized sweater and black shorts, that look like this.

  Gabriel and Adrien turned their backs towards Nathalie, to give her some privacy while she gets dressed, Nathalie lifted her hospital gown over her head and she put her purple oversized sweater on and the nurse helped her put her black shorts on...

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 Gabriel and Adrien turned their backs towards Nathalie, to give her some privacy while she gets dressed, Nathalie lifted her hospital gown over her head and she put her purple oversized sweater on and the nurse helped her put her black shorts on, the nurse told Nathalie to get plenty of rest and that she’ll be using a wheelchair for the next 3 months.
Nathalie shifted towards the edge of the bed, wincing in pain, Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder and he said “are you ok? Nathalie”, no, my ankle hurts when I move it, Nathalie replied “is it ok if I pick you up” Gabriel questioned, yes, Nathalie responded.
Gabriel picked Nathalie up from the hospital bed and he placed her into the wheelchair, Gabriel pushed Nathalie out of the hospital, with Adrien walking besides them.
Once they were by the car, Gabriel helped Nathalie into the backseat and Adrien was sitting next to her, Gabriel folded Nathalie’s wheelchair into the back of the car.
Gabriel sat in the driver’s seat, he put his keys into the ignition and Gabriel started driving towards the mansion, which would only take 20 minutes.
While Gabriel was driving, Nathalie overlapped her arms and she rested her head on her arms on the car window sill, Adrien tapped Nathalie on the shoulder, Nathalie lifted her head and she looked at Adrien, “Nathalie, are you ok" Adrien sounded worried “I’m in pain and I feel fatigue” Nathalie replied.
Once they had arrived at the mansion, Adrien got out of the car and he waited for Gabriel and Nathalie, Gabriel got Nathalie’s wheelchair out from the car, he lifted Nathalie out from the car and he sat her in the wheelchair.
Nathalie felt so fatigued that all she wanted to do was rest, when they got to the mansion door, Gabriel told her that there are a few surprises waiting for her, as all three of them went into the mansion, Nathalie noticed an elevator in the corner next to hers and Gabriel’s office.
Gabriel pushed Nathalie towards the elevator with Adrien walking besides them, they took the elevator up to the second floor and Gabriel wheeled Nathalie into her bedroom.
Gabriel helped Nathalie get into bed, he put a pillow under Nathalie’s ankle to help it heal and he left her wheelchair on the side of her bed, just encase she needed it.
Gabriel gave Nathalie her painkillers and a glass of water, once Nathalie had finished taking her painkillers, she lied down in her bed and Gabriel and Adrien left her alone to rest.
4 hours later, Nathalie woke up to a full bladder and she was busting for the toilet, Nathalie phoned Gabriel and once Gabriel had answered his phone, Nathalie told him that she needs help going to the toilet.
2 Minutes later, Gabriel was in Nathalie’s room, Gabriel lifted Nathalie out of her bed and he sat her in her wheelchair, he told Nathalie that he had made a few modifications to her bathroom, while she was in the hospital, so that she could access the bathroom easily.
Gabriel opened the door to Nathalie’s bathroom and Nathalie saw that there were know frames on both sides of the toilet, there were grab handles on both sides of the bathtub, the shower also had grab handles on both sides and it had a chair for Nathalie to sit in, there were frames on both sides of the sink and it had a chair for Nathalie to sit in, so she could brush her teeth without hurting her ankle.
Gabriel pushed Nathalie into the centre of the bathroom and he said “if you need any help, I’ll be right outside” Gabriel walked to the door and he shutted it behind him, to give Nathalie some privacy.
Once Nathalie had flushed the toilet, she wheeled herself towards the sink, she lifted herself out of her wheelchair and she sat in the chair by the sink, once Nathalie had finished washing her hands, she used tge frames to get back into her wheelchair.
Nathalie came out of the bathroom and she parked her wheelchair besides her bed, Gabriel picked Nathalie out of her wheelchair and he placed her on her bed with her ankle on top of a pillow.
Gabriel gave Nathalie her second dose of painkillers for today and a glass of water, once Nathalie had finished taking her painkillers and drinking her water, she lied down on her back, Gabriel turned the lights off and he left Nathalie to rest in peace as she drifting off into dreamland.

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