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*gets a little spicy towards the end but nothing serious*
[1283 words]
  Finally back home, you snatched the bags from the backseat of your car, slammed the door shut, and quickly made your way inside. You set the bags down next to the boxes you had dropped earlier and gave a frustrated sigh. Those interactions with Billy replayed in your mind as you started to dig out all of the items you had bought and laid them out on the floor. Once everything was laid out, you grabbed all of the food items and moved them to your empty kitchen, setting them on the counter before going back to do the same with the drinks.

  With everything laid out on the counter, you began to organize them all and put them into different cabinets, leaving the drinks on the counter so you could put them in the fridge. The overwhelming quiet of your house drove you mad as you had nothing to distract yourself from your thoughts. "He's such a dick." You thought aloud to yourself as you began shoving the drinks into the mostly empty fridge.


  Being alone in this house was maddening. You didn't have the will to keep unpacking just yet which meant that you couldn't even throw on some music to drown out the quiet. Now sat in the middle of your empty living room, you stared at the front door, willing for an idea to come to you. When it finally came, you jumped up from the floor and rushed out the door, back to your car once again.


  You had been driving around town for about an hour until you finally found what you were looking for. That blue corvette stood out so brightly against the pale colors of the houses. "Gotcha." You mumbled to yourself as you parked in front of the house that contained Billy's car. You threw on a smile and checked yourself in the rear view mirror before stepping out. The blinds on the front window were open and you could see a figure in it but were unable to figure out who it was. You didn't have much time to think about it as the figure disappeared from the window.

  Before you could even knock, the front door swung open to reveal a sweat ridden, cigarette smoking, shirtless, Billy with that stupid grin on his face. "Isn't this a surprise. How'd you figure out where I live, huh?" He spoke in a cocky, slightly exhausted tone and you rolled your eyes at it. "Lucky guess." You replied and gestured toward his car. He leaned against his doorway and pulled the cigarette from his mouth, blowing the smoke at you. "Stalking? Y/n, I would've never guessed that you were the type."

"I wasn't stalking, and I never would've guessed that you were the type to do that shit you did to me earlier so I guess we're even." You shot back quickly and crossed your arms. The cockiness in his demeanor only heightened as he stepped to the side, offering you to come inside. You let your arms fall to your side as you stepped in with a dejected sigh, taking in the scenery as you did so.

  You'd have to admit that it was a nice house. It was relatively clean and everything seemed to have a place. After hearing the door shut and lock behind you, you turned to face Billy. "Before you get any ideas, I'm only here because I couldn't stand being at my place anymore and you're the only person I know in this town. So don't flatter yourself." You spoke in as stern of a tone as you could muster as Billy made his way to his living room, cigarette now back in his mouth. He laughed and as he did smoke flew from his mouth. "Whatever you say babydoll." He said as he sat down on the couch. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the side of the couch, taking in more of the scenery as you did.

"Sit." He said and patted the open spot next to him. Your attention went straight to him and you glared at him. He was too busy situating himself to where he was comfortable to look at you but you knew he could feel you looking at him as his stupid smile grew. After a moment of you just standing there, he finally looked over at you and the smile snapped from his expression. "I said sit." He demanded and pointed to the open spot on the couch. Not wanting another interaction like the ones at the mall, you did as he said and sat down, making sure you were as far away from him as possible. "Ya know, you're cute when you actually listen to me." He commented as the smile reappeared on his face and his attention diverted from you. This comment only pissed you off more but you figured that this was better than sitting in an empty house by yourself. Anything was better than that if you were honest with yourself.

  As you sat there and thought about how this was better than being at home, Billy tossed his cigarette butt into a nearby ashtray and returned his attention to you. His sly laugh pulled you from your thoughts as you realized that you had spaced out while looking directly at him. "You just gonna keep eye fucking me, sweetheart?" He teased in a low tone which made your face go red and look away from him as quickly as you could. You felt him shift closer to you which caused you to completely turn your head away in hopes of hiding your bright red face from him. He didn't need any more leverage against you, but it was too late, he'd seen it. "Don't get shy on me now, princess." As soon as he spoke you realized just how close he was to you. You could feel his warm breath on your neck and shivered at the feeling. "Fuck off." You mumbled as you pulled an arm up onto the arm rest and rested your head on your hand, intent on keep your gaze away from him. Billy gave a low chuckle, which, once again reminded you of how close he was to you. "Judging by your reactions and the fact that you just showed up at my door, I don't think you really want me to." He whispered into your ear as one of his hands found it's way to your thigh, rubbing it gently with his thumb. You balled up your free hand into a fist, digging your nails into your palm and your other hand covered your mouth to hide the fact that you were biting your lip. "See? You don't really want that, now do you, princess?" He continued his teasing as you tried to come up with something to say or do back to him. You were unsuccessful seen as your mind had completely blanked as soon as he whispered in your ear.

  After a moment of silence and you wrapped in your thoughts, still trying to find a way to snap back at him, you felt his free hand brush what few pieces of hair laid on your neck, away. This caused you to shiver again which made Billy chuckle. "Those reactions of yours are giving you away, babydoll." He whispered as the hand on your thigh drew upward slightly, earning a sharp, audible inhale from you. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as your mind blanked once again. You could feel him get closer to your now exposed neck and your breath caught in your throat for a moment.

"Billy...what are you doing?"

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