Blood Stained

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*depictions of violence and blood but nothing super graphic*
[1632 words]
After a few moments of your shared kiss, Billy slipped from your arms and began his trek back inside. You stayed behind and peered down at the man still on the ground. He laid there in the fetal position for a few moments before gaining his strength and pushing himself up off the ground. You shook your head scoffed as you turned your back to him. "Bastard." You muttered and started to walk back inside. You noticed that Billy had already disappeared behind the doors which put you on edge slightly, considering the man the two of you had just beaten was still behind you. You heard the crackle of his footfalls on the rocky ground and assumed he was leaving. Unfortunately for you, he wasn't.

You felt the man grab you by your hair and pull you back against him. He threw a hand over your mouth to ensure you wouldn't scream. "One word and this is gonna be much worse than you think." He threatened into your ear as you frantically attempted to get his hands off of you. Finding no success in the endeavor you resorted to biting his hand, sending it flying from your mouth. You then flung your elbow back into his stomach which removed the hand from your hair. You spun around quickly to see the man holding his stomach but still keeping a determined look in his eyes. "You bitch." He groaned out in pain before quickly swinging his fist at your face. Your head flew to the side at the impact as adrenaline began to pump through your veins. You slowly turned your head back to him with a smile. "That all you got?" You spat back and readied yourself to fight. The man gave a slightly shocked look before taking on a smile of his own. Without a word, he swung again, this time hitting your arm that had come up to block him from hitting your face again. You quickly brought yourself close to him, throwing your hands to his shoulders before driving your knee into his stomach. As he doubled over in pain, you repeated the action. Taking the opportunity, the man grabbed your waist, driving his shoulder into your torso and pushing you backward. You fell to the ground, scraping your palms against the rocks below you to keep yourself from falling onto your back. As you were recovering from the shock of being shoved to the ground, the man pulled himself on top of you, shoving you onto your back with a hand on your throat. Your hands quickly flew to his forearm, digging your nails into his skin as you struggled to release yourself from his grip. He looked down at you with a grin before punching you in the face again. You felt a warm substance start to fall from your nose as your head began to spin due to the drinks and weed you had smoked earlier coming into contact with the force of his hit. The adrenaline began to die down as he placed hit after hit onto your face. Finally, you started to feel the pain of his punches as your grip on his forearm loosened at each impact.


Your eyes fluttered open to reveal a blurred road passing by your vision. You winced in pain as you brought a hand to your temple. The headache you had was stinging behind your eyes. As you brought your hand down you caught a glimpse of red. "Fuck." You muttered as you slowly turned your head to see Billy driving with a pissed look on his face. He had one hand gripping the wheel tightly as the other laid on the gearshift. You brought a shaky hand out and laid it on top of his. He quickly turned his hand over and grabbed yours tightly, keeping his eyes on road. He shifted your intertwined hands from the gearshift, closer to you as your head fell back to its original position. Your eyes fell on the still blurred scenery outside of the window before falling closed again. The pain coursed through your body like a tidal wave and you were doing everything you could to get your dazed mind away from it. "I'm sorry." You heard Billy mutter. His tone was weak, frustrated, and almost sad. You ran your thumb across his hand in response as you drew in a soft breath. "I'm okay. Just hurting a little." You whispered back as your eyes opened again. You turned your head back to him and caught him glancing over at you. "Really. I'm okay." You whispered again and attempted a smile. It was clear that Billy wasn't buying it as you finally pulled up to his house.

He pulled his hand from yours and quickly exited the car before jogging over to your side. He opened the door and grabbed your elbow to help you out. "Let's get you cleaned up." He stated quickly as he helped you up to the front door. As the door slowly swung open, the dark interior was somewhat inviting. He quickly helped you inside and lead you to the bathroom. Once in, he turned the light on to reveal your bloody face and shirt in the mirror. You studied yourself in slight shock before Billy turned you around and lifted you up onto the counter. He seemed frantic as he looked around for something, anything, to clean you up with. Finally settling on using a damp rag, he stepped in front of you and grabbed your jaw lightly to turn your face toward him. The warmth from the rag stung every cut it was gently placed on, causing you to ball up your fist tightly to calm yourself. It didn't do much and it became clear on your expression that you were hurting. "I know...I know...I'm sorry." He whispered in attempt to comfort you as he continued to tap away the blood. He then moved his hand from your jaw and gently placed it on your cheek, running his finger across it slowly. You gave a gentle nod at his words and drew in a deep breath as the stinging persisted.


After what felt like forever, Billy finally dropped the rag into the sink beside you and brought you down from the counter. He threw on the facet, watching as the blood and water mixed together before spilling into the drain. Once he had decided that the water ran clear enough, he turned it off and ushered you out of the bathroom, into his bedroom. "You should get out of that shirt." He offered as he shut the door behind the two of you. You nodded and began pulling off the shirt without hesitation. Normally, Billy would find this action very attractive but considering what had just happened to you, he was too overcome with concern. Once you had gotten the shirt off, you tossed it to the side and moved to lay down on his bed. You heard Billy let out a soft sigh of relief as he pulled off his jacket before joining you in the bed. You laid side by side for a moment before you shrugged to yourself and laid your head on his chest. He moved his arm around your shoulders and rested his hand on your arm. You could feel his eyes locked onto you as he gently caressed your skin. "I'm so sorry." He muttered which caused you to shift your head up a bit, now laying it on his shoulder, to look at him. "Hey, I'm okay. Don't worry about it." You said in attempt to reassure him. "I shouldn't have left you out there." He shot back quickly as you brought your hand up to his chest. "Billy." You paused for a moment to lock your gaze with his. "I'm okay, really. It's not your fault." You finished and he nodded in defeat. He then moved his free hand back to your cheek as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming and his expression softened when you shot him a light smile.

After a moment of silence you allowed your eyes to close as you toyed with his shirt. This earned a light chuckle from Billy and he dropped his hand from your cheek, resting it on his stomach. You continued to toy with his shirt in silence for a few minutes before your movements died down. "Billy?" You whispered to him and he hummed in response. "Talk to me." You offered in a soft tone as you lightly rubbed his chest. "Talk to you? About what, sweetheart?" He whispered back and a small smile grew on your face. "Anything. I just wanna hear your voice." You responded softly before taking in a deep breath. He gave another light chuckle as his hand on your arm moved to your back, running his fingers over your skin softly. "That so?" He teased and you could hear the smile in his voice. You hummed in response as heat rose to your cheeks at the realization of your honesty. "You like my voice...that it?" He inquired, still keeping his teasing tone as he spoke. "Maybe. Or maybe I just think you sound funny." You shot back, bringing your own teasing tone with it. You could tell that he rolled his eyes at your retort by his breathy laugh that he gave. "I think you just like the sound of my voice." At his words, you could feel the blush on your face deepen as you slowly opened your eyes again. Quickly, your gaze found his and you rolled your eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He shot back with a smirk now covering his expression. "I'll do what I want."

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