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*the tiniest bit of spicy spice in the middle of this one, but again, nothing serious.*
[963 words]
  The rest of the night was a blur to you. As your heavy eyelids peeled themselves open you found yourself alone in Billy's bed. As you pulled the blankets from yourself, you shuddered at the cold air. You glanced down and noticed you were dressed in his light blue, button-up, shirt with only your underwear and bra underneath. Your hand immediately flew to your mouth. "Oh fuck." You muttered behind your hand before dropping it and sliding out of his bed. You sighed to yourself before walking over to the bedroom door, poking your head out. "Billy?!" You called out to him in a slightly worried tone. "Don't worry princess, no one else is home!" He called back and you could hear the smile he had on. You rolled your eyes and headed toward where you had heard his voice, grabbing his shirt closed in front of you. As you walked into the kitchen where Billy was drinking, you flared at him. He turned to face you with that smile you had heard in his voice. "Billy, did we—"

"No. We did not. We made out, but nothing more."

"Then why the hell am I dressed like this?"

"You told me you didn't want to sleep in that dress you had on and insisted that I let you wear one of my shirts to bed, so I gave that one."

"You're not just saying that to cover shit up, are you?"

"Come on, what kinda guy do you take me for, princess?" As he asked this, he set the can he had in his hand down on the counter and walked over to you. He snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "Oh don't act like you're so fucking innocent." You replied with a small smirk appearing on your face. "You're one to talk. All that teasing you did last night...you're not so innocent yourself." He said as he pulled his free hand up, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. As he did this, you let go of the shirt and placed your hands on the back of his neck. "Teasing? Like this?" You then pulled him down closer to you and brushed your lips against his before quickly pulling back. He gave a low chuckle as his grip on your waist tightened slightly. He then put his hand, that had moved your hair, down to your jawline as you shot him an innocent look. "Close," he paused for a moment to bring himself closer to your ear, "I seem to remember someone calling me daddy while we made out." He whispered teasingly, causing your entire face to go red and your expression to drop to that of embarrassment. He planted a quick, gentle kiss on your neck before moving back to look you in the eye again. "In fact, that was the only thing you called me for the rest of the night." He continued as he clearly got an ego boost from recounting the events.

  Your heart began to beat out of your chest at the thought of what else drunk you had done last night. You didn't realize that you had drank enough for you to end up not remembering quite a bit of the night. Though, in this moment, you were glad you didn't remember much. You were in such a shocked state that you didn't know what to do or say, you just stood there flustered. This caused Billy to laugh a bit as his thumb met your bottom lip. "Don't worry, princess, I don't mind it." He teased as his thumb slid across your lip and back down to your jawline.


  After what felt like forever of being teased relentlessly in Billy's kitchen, the two of you decided to head to your house. Billy had offered to help you unpack some of your things and you were grateful for the help. You were now back in the clothes you wore to the party and driving your car back home with Billy in the passenger seat. Live Wire by Mötley Crüe was playing over your car's speakers as you pulled into your driveway. Once parked, you quickly shut your car off, got out, and headed inside. As you walked through the doorway, Billy came up from behind you and slapped your ass before laughing. "Billy! What the fuck was that for?!" You shouted with a smile on your face as he shut the front door. "Couldn't help myself." He said with a shrug and a sly smirk.


  While unpacking boxes in your bedroom you turned to see Billy putting an outfit together and laying it on your now decorated vanity. "What's that for?" You inquired as you pulled more clothes from a box, put them on a hanger, and slid them into your closet. "There's this concert tonight." He started to explain before you stopped him. "We just went to a party not even a day ago and you wanna go out again?" He glanced over at you and shot you a smile. "Of course I do. It's better than being holed up at home. Besides, you loosen up more when you're out." He explained before turning back to the outfit he was putting together for you. You shook your head and sighed as you returned to your own task. "What if I say no?" You asked in a slight teasing tone and you heard Billy chuckle. "You know better than that." He shot back in response as he finished folding up the outfit he picked out. "Just don't go kissing other guys this time, alright?" You returned your attention to him and gave him a sly smirk when he finally looked over at you again. "No promises."

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