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*little kiss towards the end, nothing too spicy. Again, I apologize for the length, gotta keep those cliffhangers going.*
[868 words]
Three drinks in you were out in the crowd in the living room with Robin dancing to the music when you heard the yell of a group of guys behind you. They were yelling something about 'the keg king' beating his personal record outside, but you ignored it and kept your attention on Robin. The crowd thinned a bit as more people gathered outside after the yelling of the guys. Any thoughts of Billy that plagued your mind before were long gone as Robin grabbed your free hand. "I need another drink! You coming?!" She yelled over the music and you nodded as she started to pull you back to the kitchen.

Once you two reached the kitchen, you finished off what was left of your previous drink as Robin began to prepare more for you. "You never did tell me who this friend of yours is." She commented as she handed you another cup. "Oh Billy? He's not actually my friend. He used to pick on me and shit in middle school then one day he just disappeared. I thought it was for good until I moved here. He found me at the mall and said some shit about making it up to me. He's a dick." Your words flowed out in quick succession and without hesitation. Robin's face contorted to slight disgust as she fully processed your words. "You mean Billy Hargrove?" She asked before her attention quickly turned to a figure walking up behind you and her expression went to that of shock. "The one and only." You heard a familiar voice speak from behind you as an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling at your hip to turn you around. As you turned, your face went red and your eyes locked with Billy's. "Shit." You muttered under your breath, hoping he didn't hear what you just said to Robin. You were met with relief when he didn't insinuate that he heard anything you said. "You missed a hell of a scene out there babydoll." He commented with a drunken smile on his face. "Did I really?" You shot back sarcastically as you removed yourself from his grip. His smile quickly faded to slight confusion and anger. "Don't give me that fucking attitude, brat." He spat out at you and your gaze narrowed at him. "Brat? I'll show you bratty, dick head." You replied quickly with a challenging smirk appearing on your expression.

Before he could say another word, you pushed past him and back into the crowd in the living room, leaving Robin and Billy in the kitchen. You then headed for the front door, going outside into the group of guys that was gathered out there. "Hey boys!" You called out on your way over. You were met with catcalls and a cacophony of different flirtatious comments. Once you were close to the group, you chugged your drink and threw the cup to the ground. You then scanned the small group and your eyes locked with a guy dressed in all black, sunglasses resting on the collar of his shirt. You pulled him out from the group and took the sunglasses from his shirt, placing them up on your head as you heard the front door of the house slam open. You glanced over to see Billy looking around, you assumed he was looking for you. You then quickly turned your attention back to the man in front of you and pulled him close to you by his shirt. "Kiss me." You told the, very clearly drunk, man you had just grabbed. "Yes ma'am." You heard him mutter with a drunken smile before doing exactly as you said. The man's hands quickly went to the back of your head as your lips connected. Your hand drifted down from his shirt to the waistband of his pants, using that leverage to pull him as close as possible to you.

You heard the front door slam open again and a familiar voice scream out. "Billy leave her— Steve?!" Robin yelled out from across the yard. "You little shit!" You heard Billy yell and quickly the man, who you now assumed to be Steve, pulled away from the kiss and let you go. You did the same as your attention went to Billy, who looked beyond pissed, but not at you. His eyes were glued to Steve and he knew it too. "Oh fuck!" He yelled as Billy stormed closer. "You touch her again and you're fucking dead, Harrington! You better run while you have the chance!" Billy threatened as the group of guys, now beside you, all stood frozen in their places. Steve did just that, he ran up to the house, as far away from Billy as possible, to Robin. Once Billy had reached you, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him. "As for you. You're gonna get your ass to the car. Now." He demanded before letting go of your wrist. He then turned to the group, noticing they were all staring at the two of you. "The fuck are you looking at?!" He yelled at them. They immediately looked away and at each other, beginning to talk amongst themselves.

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