Insistent Invitation

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"I'm not doing anything, princess...not yet." His voice was low and teasing as he whispered to you. After what felt like an eternity, he finally moved away from your neck and got up from the couch. He stood in front of you and waited for your gaze to turn to his. When it didn't, he leaned down close to your face. "Eyes on me." He commanded, keeping the low teasing tone he had before. You dropped your hand from your face and turned to look at him. A smirk grew on his expression accompanied by a low chuckle. "You're listening so well." He paused for a moment to take in the clear ego boost you had just given him. Your eyes narrowed into a glare as he did so. "There's a party soon. I expect you to come with me. I'll drop you off at your house so you can change." As he spoke, he stood up straight and kept his eyes fixed to yours. He expected a response, which was made clear by him raising his brows at you, but when you didn't, he simply turned away and disappeared deeper into the house.

  When he was finally out of your line of sight you gave a sigh of relief. If you did go to this party as he insisted, you could get away from him and possibly meet new people from town so you wouldn't have to come back to see him out of desperation. It didn't occur to you that he may attempt to keep you at his side all night or that he insinuated that he would be taking you to the party, meaning you couldn't drive off whenever you pleased. You didn't dwell on the idea of the party much as your thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. A red-headed girl appeared in the doorway, her eyes immediately going to you as she stepped in. "Oh god, Billy's got another girl over." She said, clearly annoyed as she pulled the headphones off of her ears, laying them to rest around her neck. "Another?" You inquired as she slammed the door shut behind her. "Who are you? Did my brother trick into coming over to bang?" Her questions caused visible confusion as you stood up from the couch and made your way over to her. "Well, I'm y/n, and no, I'm not here to fuck him. Also, brother? Billy never mentioned that he had a sister." As you spoke you heard heavy footsteps make their way back out to where the two of you were standing. It was Billy. He was now fully clothed, dressed in a white shirt and black leather jacket. "I see you've met Maxine." Your attention shot back to Billy as your confusion stayed apparent on your expression. "You never told me you had a sister."

"She's not my sister."

"But she said—"

"But nothing. She's not my sister."

"Billy don't make me tell dad about this."

"Shut it, Max. Y/n, we're leaving."

  With those words, he walked over to you, grabbed your arm and began pulling you out the door. You looked back at Max who was looking at you with a sorry expression. You gave a small wave and quickly called out to her before Billy shut the door. "It was nice meeting you Max!" Max waved back at you quickly as she called back. "Likewise!" The door then slammed in front of you and you were pulled to Billy's car. Once reaching it, you pulled away from Billy's grasp and glared at him. "What the hell was that all about?" He just rolled his eyes at you and motioned for you to get in the car.


  Metallica blared through the speakers, clearly turned up loud enough so you wouldn't continue to interrogate Billy on his actions. This only pissed you off more as you pointed around to show him the way to your house. After you arrived, you quickly jumped out of the car and headed for the front door, leaving Billy to walk inside on his own. You intentionally slammed the door shut before he reached it and ran off to your room. You dug through a box labeled 'clothes' as you heard the door open from across the house. "You're a fucking brat, you know that?" You heard him call out to you as you threw clothes from the box and onto the floor. The smirk he was wearing was apparent in his voice, which caused you to roll your eyes as you looked through the clothes you had flung out on the floor.

  You picked out a black dress, a pair of fishnet leggings, and black, mesh, long-sleeved, crop top that hung off your shoulders. Pleased with your choice of clothing, you grabbed a pair of black heels from the box labeled 'shoes' and threw them on quickly. You then walked over to your, nearly empty, vanity where studded bracelets and a belt laid. You shrugged and decided to pair those with your outfit before exiting your room. Heading into your bathroom, you heard the sound of your fridge door followed by a can being opened. "Bastard." You muttered to yourself as you began styling your hair in the bathroom mirror.


  The sun had set and you had finally arrived at a strange house with people gathered out front, clearly, most of them were already drunk. As you stepped out of the car and began walking over to the house, you were stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist from behind you. You turned around to meet Billy's eyes and saw he was wearing a serious expression. "Don't take drinks from anyone but me unless you're getting them yourself, understood?" You looked at him confused before nodding slowly. "Yeah...sure." You cautiously responded as he let go of your wrist. You then quickly headed off into the house, being greeted by a couple catcalls as you walked in the front door.

  After a bit of searching, you found yourself in the kitchen. Billy was still outside doing god knows what. You were just happy to finally be away from him for awhile. "Hey, haven't seen you around here before." You heard a voice say to you as you began pouring yourself a drink. You turned around to be met with the friendly looking face of a dirty-blonde headed girl. You shot her a smile, happy to see someone who wasn't Billy looking back at you fondly. "I'm Robin." She said as she held out her hand to you. You took it happily as you quickly took a sip of your drink. "Y/n." You responded after pulling the cup away from your face and dropping your hand from hers. "Pleasure to meet you y/n. You from around here?"

"Just moved here, actually."

"Very cool. Where'd you move from."


"Oh nice. What made you come all the way out here? You got family here?"

"Not exactly. I moved here to get away, have a fresh start, ya know? That's what I thought I'd get when I moved here."


"Well, I didn't exactly plan old friend to be out here when I moved. Surprise, I guess." You shrugged at you stated your last comment and took another sip of your drink. Robin looked at you with a confused expression before moving to get herself a drink. "That friend of yours here?" You nodded before realizing that she wasn't looking at you anymore then cleared your throat to stifle the slight embarrassment that brought you. "Yeah, he brought me here. He insisted that I came." You explained, looking down at the liquid in your cup. "That's sweet of him." That comment took you by surprise considering what Billy had done before you got here, but you knew that Robin didn't have a clue about those interactions or who you were even talking about. "I guess so."

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