Attention Whore

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*some violence in this one but nothing terribly graphic.*
[1291 words]
  You found Billy leaning against a wall behind the crowd. As he watched you walk over he laughed a slightly drunken laugh. Once you were close enough, he grabbed your hip, spun you around, and pinned you to the wall. A hand laid on the wall next to you, the other finding it's way to your jawline. "You little attention whore." He practically growled with the smirk still present on his face. Before you could say anything in response, his lips crashed into yours aggressively. He then forced his knee between your thighs causing you to gasp into the kiss. You could feel eyes on you coming from the crowd, that paired with what Billy was doing, caused your face to red. He kept the kiss going for only a few moments before pulling away but keeping his face close to yours. "If you're not careful you're gonna put on a different kind of show for everyone, understood?" He teased as his hand drifted down from your jawline to the side of your neck. You nodded in response but Billy didn't seem very pleased with it. "Use your words." He commanded in the same teasing tone. "Yes." You managed to whisper back at a still displeased Billy. "Yes, what?" He raised his brows at you as you began to shift around out of embarrassment. As you did, the friction from his knee between your legs caused you to gasp a little. "Yes, sir." You responded in a shaky tone. Billy finally looked pleased with your answer and removed his touch from you completely. "Good girl." He shot back before disappearing into the crowd again.


  After the opening band, the same band you had been up on stage with, finished, you found yourself back at the bar ordering more beers. "Hey pretty girl." You heard a familiar voice chime in through the next band starting to play over the speakers. You turned your attention to the singer and gave him a soft smile. "Hi there." You responded before taking a sip of your drink. "Quite the show you gave everyone." He said before ordering a beer for himself. You simply laughed in response. After a moment, the singer drifted closer to you, placing his free hand on your hip, rubbing it gently. The gentle touch caused your mind to reel back to what Billy had done earlier, causing your blush to reappear on your expression. The singer's gentle laugh pulled you from your thoughts. "Judging by your little performance I wouldn't have taken you as the kind to get flustered so easily." He commented as he slid ever closer, that smirk he wore on stage coming back to his face. "What do you say you come home with me tonight?" He asked as his face inched closer to yours. A worried look grew on your face and backed up a bit. "I appreciate the offer but—" you were cut off by him speaking again. "Oh come on, don't get shy on me now. You were all over me before." You shook your head as your worried look was replaced with a smirk and a light laugh. "Don't flatter yourself, I've done that to many a guy before." You shot back and he raised his brows at you. "That's just fine. I don't mind fucking around with little attention whores like you. I can take it." He teased back in response as your eyes darted behind him for a moment. "Wrong move buddy." Billy threatened from behind the singer who quickly turned around to face him. "And just who do you think you are exactly?" Your smile grew at the singer attempting to step up to Billy and you gave another laugh. "I'd choose my next words carefully if I were you." You warned as Billy's rage started to show on his expression. Before the singer could offer a retort, Billy grabbed him by his shirt. "You may wanna listen to her before you end up a bloody mess." The singer threw Billy's hand off of his shirt after the threat and spat at him. He then turned towards you with a challenging smile. You looked him up and down once with a slightly disgusted look before you grabbed him by the ear and drug him outside.

  After you let go of his ear, the singer flung his hand to it and chuckled. "Feisty aren't we?" His unbothered demeanor pissed you off more as you heard the door to the warehouse open again. You didn't bother to look behind you as you had a pretty good idea as to who it was. Your suspicions were confirmed when a clearly enraged Billy appeared into your line of sight, taking no time at all to push the singer to the ground. The wind was clearly knocked out of the man as you heard him heave to catch his breath. Billy then leaned down and grabbed the man by his shirt once again, lifting him off the ground slightly. "You've got some nerve pulling that shit." The anger was very apparent in his voice as he spoke, but he wore a smirk on his face. "What? With that little whore? She came onto me." The man shot back through labored breaths. Without a word, Billy punched the man in the face before dropping him. The man's nose began to bleed as the previous smirk he wore disappeared. As the man attempted to get up off the ground, Billy kicked him in his stomach which caused him to double over in pain. "Talk about her like that again! I fucking dare you!" Billy shouted as his own smirk disappeared. He then kicked the man in the stomach again, causing him to cough up a bit of blood. You then walked over to the two, standing next to Billy and looking down at the man. You cock your head a bit and give a sly smile at him before slowly kneeling down, resting one of your forearms on your knee. The man spat blood out onto the ground before locking eyes with you. "You fucking bitch." He muttered out in shaky breaths and you laughed once again. "That's no way to talk to a lady." You said, putting on a tone of faux sadness. You then used your free hand to grab the man's face aggressively, causing him to wince in pain. "Still think you can take me?" You asked, the smirk still ever present on your expression. The man's own smirk reappeared as he stifled out a weak chuckle. "So far your little guard dog is the only one who has done shit." He spat back and you threw his face from your hand, causing it to hit the ground and him to wince in pain again. You then slowly stood up again with another laugh escaping you before you kicked him in the stomach. "That's my girl." You heard Billy mutter as you knelt back down to the man. "Wanna try that again?" You asked in a threatening tone. When you were met with no response you slapped him. "I asked you a fucking question!" You shouted at him and the man's expression fell to defeat. "No." He muttered out in response. "I can't hear you, speak up." You threatened again. "No!" He shouted back at you and you stood up again.

  Feeling pleased with yourself, you turned to Billy who was already looking at you with pride. He then stepped closer to you, pulling you in by your waist. You rested your arms on his shoulders with a soft smile appearing on your lips. "Ya know, you're hot when you defend me." You commented, earning a light laugh from Billy before he kissed you gently.

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