The cats povs??!

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(Mikey's pov):

We were all writing our names on our tags so she knows who we are. We've been watching her for a while now and I think she would be a good owner though I didn't expect the other gangs to copy us. It was kinda hard to write our names with our paws after all we did randomly transform into cats but it was hard living out on the streets so we decided to get ourselves an owner and she was perfect. We heard her say her name and it was Y/N. Such a pretty name for a pretty person she's perfect just perfect, we all finished writing our names and jumped into the boxes and waited for her to come back home. 'hmm I wonder if she would buy me some doriyaki ehehe' I thought while giggling to myself. While we were in the box waiting I decided to check if everyone was here to make sure nobody got left behind.

And then it happened we heard footsteps and they stopped right infront of our boxes I was so excited. She said something but it was muffled she was probably just reading the boxes. 'Oh no she's probably confused I should have wrote a note on top of the box so she kn-' I was in the middle of thinking before I felt the box get carried into her house. IM SO EXCITED AKSIES!! I got too excited and started meowing a lot and scratching the box and I think she understood that I wanted to get out I mean after all we were waiting in the box for a while now she was opening the box and wow she was so pretty up close..

She opened the box and once she did she started speaking.. gibberish? Whatever that
must mean she's excited!! She looked at me and picked me up she read my name tag and said..'AIOA SHES GONNA SAY MY NAME! SHES GONNA SAY MY NAME!!' I thought and she said it. "uh mikay?" What. She then corrected her self and said. "oh wait no that says mikey" SHE SAID MY NAME YAY SHES GONNA KEEP US ALL AND MY MISSION IS TO BECOME HER FAVOURITE!!

She put me down and everyone from toman came out but kisaki didn't come out I didn't care so just waited for her to finish so we can spend some time together.

(kisaki's pov):
I didn't want to come out of the box. I still don't trust her all my plans got ruined because we suddenly became cats and just because she's going to be taking 'care' of me doesn't mean I have to trust her. She's fooled mikey and the rest with her beauty but i'm not dumb like they are I know it was her plan all along. She turned us into cats!! She looked like she was waiting for me to come out cause she was just staring at me and then she said. "you know you can come out too right?" OF COURSE I KNOW I CAN COME OUT!! I CAN COME OUT WHENEVER I LIKE! I JUST DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU WITCH!!1 FIRST YOU TURN ME INTO A CAT AND EXPECT ME TO TRUST YOU!?

She tried to pick me up but I moved back she then said "I won't hurt you" So gently I almost got fooled. But I walked a bit closer and..AND SHE SNATCHED ME WTF?!?!1 "I'll kill you if you don't put me down." I gave her a warning but she doesn't seem to care. She then said "Look man I dont know what you just said but if that's a threat just know I won't hesitate to take your glasses." SHE IS EVIL SHES TRYING TO TAKE MY GLASSES!! I then hear someone snicker and turn to face them, she does too and I turned to see takemichi 'ugh that brat' I slipped away from her hands and walked away while she went to speak to takemichi.

(Takemichi's pov):
I heard her threat to kisaki and I found it quite funny how she managed to figure out that he was threatening her with just one meow. I couldn't hold it in and I snickered but she heard me and looked at me. She looks at me and says "hey there little guy hmm yours is the only one with proper writing. It says your name is..takemichi?" Oh wow she said my name right and she didn't say 'mitchy' "Yup!" I said back to her. "Alright then i'll call you michi" I have no problem with that nickname I mean it's nice so I just nod. She said she was gonna open the next box but instead of valhalla she said 'barbarra' I chuckled and walked away to go sit.

(Valhalla's pov/Hanma & Kazutora):
We heard someone coming closer to our box so we waited for them to open it.

(Hanma's pov):
I heard her coming closer to the box and even thought there's only me and kazutora its still kinda small so I wanted to get out to stretch so I waited for her to open it she took a bit long so I meowed and once I did she opened it so I jumped out to stretch.

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