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a good quarter of this chapter idea was from @pan_and_proud03 so thank you sm for the idea 😛

Y/n's pov.

I'm so tired of this, I honestly have no clue why Izana's been acting this way but he keeps on knocking stuff off of counters and it's annoying. I swear if he knocks one more thing over i'm going to lose my mi-

"oopsiesss" said Izana from a good distance, I then hear Kazutora scream "BOMBACLAUTTTTTT". oh duffle berries what did this dumbass rat just drop.

Third persons pov:

Y/n went to the living room after hearing Kazu scream and what she saw would scar her was her phone..on the floor....completely shattered. "izana...." Y/n said but he didn't answer or even bat an eye, in fact he was smiling, proud of his work. "IZANA. BAKIT MO BINABA ANG PHONE KO. BILANG MO ANG IYONG INA FUCKING DAYS DAGA." Izana's smile dropped and so did his jaw. "PREACH MULTILINGUAL QUEEN" Kazutora screamed from afar, Mikey stares at him and says "do you even know what she just said?" Kazutora stops moving but still has a smile on his face before screaming "NOPE BUT IK SHE ATE CAUSE OF THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE".

Back to Izana, he surprisingly ignored the fact he was just cussed out and Y/n didn't know why until everybody else but him left (or did they??). Y/n was about to cuss him out again just for funsies when he suddenly shoved his left hand over her mouth. She started cussing him out regardless of it all being muffled because his hand, all he did was scowl and leaned closer to her face. "don't talk to me like that again." after saying that he started staring intensely at Y/n's face and she got nervous so because she had no other option she licked his hand and he screamed and moved giving her a chance to run, and she quickly took that chance.

"well at least now I know we have another language only we understand" he said quietly before licking his left hand while blushing.

5 minutes later after Izana left

"So unsanitary.." Rindou said while sitting on the couch with Ran, and they've been sitting on that couch from the start. "Awh that should've been me" Ran whined while wiggling around throwing a tantrum. Rindou just stared at him in disgust, disappointed with his brother but none the less not surprised in the slightest. Rindou sighed and got up, he started walking away but when he turned the corner all he saw was Y/n sitting on the floor. He was about to ask what she was doing but she shoved her hand over his mouth silencing him and dragged him down to the floor with her. Rindou was secretly praying that history wouldn't repeat itself, but if it did he wouldn't be complaining too much. "RINDOU IS IZANA THERE??" Y/n asked him whisper yelling and he shook his head. "oh thank goodness" she let out a sigh of relief and let go of Rindou. He stayed on the floor for a bit even after Y/n left and sighed "well that was a rollercoaster of emotions" he then chose to finally get up and leave.

Y/n's pov:

After my interaction with Rindou i've been sneaking around in the living room acting like a ninja, just to be safe and make sure Izana wasn't there..I don't want to be forced to use my ninja skills on him....what I didn't know was that someone was sitting on the couch watching me the whole time. I was sneaking my way into the kitchen till someone appeared behind me scaring the shit out of me. "hey beautiful what's going on?" Ran said while appearing right in front of my face. If i wasn't too lazy trust I would've boxed him but lucky for him I didn't feel like it. 'he's also extremely tall and I don't think it would have any damage on him' I thought to myself silently but anyway as a ninja I simply ignored Ran and pushed his (beautiful) face away from mine, continuing my mission. And that mission was to get a quick snack.

I failed my mission.

I heard a noise and got scared so I ran away, now that i'm thinking about it though it was probably just Ran trying to scare me for the 88th time. I'll just continue my mission another time though, little did she know someone would be there to scare her again....

dun dun dunnn

the end

guys i just want you to know that you're all so splendiferous for cordially and amiably waiting for me to post this chapter, i am so delighted to have such pleasant and courtious readers.

(i was trying to use these smart big girl words so you forgive me for taking so long lmk if it worked teehee)


you love me, i love me, we all love me

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