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(Mikey's pov)

I've realized that recently ken-chin has been leaving a lot, he comes back before Y/n comes back from work tho. 'hmm he's probably always coming back before Y/n does so she doesn't worry when he's gone..omg wait i think i know what's happening..' It's 8pm right now and ken-chin comes back at around 4 so he's here right now. I went to find him and i found him on the couch sleeping so i jumped on him.

"KEN-CHIN! KEN-CHIN! KEN-CHINN!!" I yelled as i jumped on him. He woke up and smacked me off of the couch he then asked me why i woke him up so i stared at him. "You know recently you've been going out a lot are you a..spy??" I asked genuinely curious but he looks at me like i'm the dumbest person alive.

"What?? How the hell did you get that?" Ken-chin asks me. "Well i mean you're always disappearing" i reply. "I'm not a spy you bafoon now let me sleep i'm tired" He says before sleeping.

Now usually i would believe him but he always goes to sleep at exactly 8:30 and right now it's 8:14 meaning he must have been doing something to be tired at this time cause no matter what ken-chin always goes to sleep at 8:30 exactly. I'm very suspicious of him now.

(in the morning)
(still mikeys pov )

Y/n went to work and Ken-chin left again so while everyone was eating i decided to talk. "Guys" I said to get everyone's attention and they all looked at me except Emma who told me to shut up which i ignored. "Anyway recently Ken-chin has been leaving a lot and i think i know why" everyone agreed with the fact that Ken-chin has been leaving a lot and then Sanzu asked "Why??" and i replied with "...because...he's...a...spy" and everyone gasped while Ran dramatically gasped.

"So why don't we follow him guys??" i said cause i'm curious and i know they are too. Everyone agreed except the girls saying that they were gonna wait for Y/n to get back cause she said she's coming back early today and they were gonna bake together (ima put that in the next chapter). Anyway we all went out and searched for Ken-chin and then Angry said he found him. We all went to look and saw the most random, funny and yet traumatizing thing we could ever imagine. Ken-chin wearing a girls scout uniform and walking in the middle of some random little girls.

"KEN-CHIN'S ONE OF THOSE COOKIE PEOPLE??!" I yelled and everyone started bursting out laughing I started laughing so fucking hard i turned french. "O LA LA QU'EST-CE QU'IL PORTE??!" I said "HAHAHAHJAJANAA I HOPE SOMEONE GOT A PHOTO OF THAT" Sanzu yelled while Kazutora answered "DONT WORRY I GOT 17 PICS"

I stopped wheezing and said "omg guys we need to show this to Y/n and the others" Hanma looked at me and smiled- but it looked more like an evil grin. He then proceeded to laugh like a fucking hyena "REHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEEEE" everyone stared at him and Taiju looked concerned "oh lord why am i with these sinful people" he says to no one in particular.

We all went back home and saw Y/n there with the girls. The cupcakes were in the oven, you can smell them (next chapta) but at that moment all i could think about is ken-chin in that kiddy uniform. I bursted into the living room and snatched Kazutora's phone to show them and when i tried to explain i couldn't even speak. "OH MY LORD- I- LOOK- HAHAHAHAHAH- KEN-CHI- HHEHEHEHEHEHAJOAA" I dropped to the floor and landed on my face, Y/n took the phone and her eyes started watering.

Takemichi thought she was going to cry and when to try to comfort her but what he didn't know was that she was trying to hold in her laughter. She started shaking in place and her eyes started watering more. Takemichi got worried and thought it was best to just stay away and he wasn't the only one concerned South appeared out of normal like usual and looked very worried until Y/n bursted out laughing.

"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHSHAHHAHAHAHSJA SHAKAKLAPALAKANAJSNAJAJAJAJA REHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEEHE- AHSHJAKAOA AGAHA OMG- ASHHAA WHAT IS HE WEARING" She says while laying on the floor and holding her stomach. South wasn't here before and got curious so he snatched Kazutora's phone and started laughing like a dying donkey.

"AHS APWKA AKAHSHQAOBAKKA" 'is that a spell incantation' Kisaki thought. Taiju was concerned for everyone and started praying in the corner.

I got up from the floor and said "Hey guys i have a plan for Ken-chin.."

(Draken's pov)

I was done with my little..job and i was still in my dres- uniform. The lights were turned off and i slowly climbed through the window and walked slowly until the floor creaked a the light turned on. I froze and i was just standing there was everyone was staring at me.

"Hmm very..girlypop of you maybe you should be my next gay star.." I heard Smiley mumble while rubbing his chin.

I was still frozen just standing there with my eyes wide and Mikey was staring at me while slowly pulling out his phone and Emma was doing the same while looking away.

"OH MY LORDY LORD GUYS LOOK AT THAT!!" I scream while holding my skirt 🌚. Everyone turned to look and i ran away to change out this embarrassing uniform.

(Ran (rat)'s pov)

"Brother why are we wearing these dresses" Rindou asks me looking like he just witnessed a crime. "ehhe cause their cute" i say while holding my hip and posing while Rindou's back is slumped.

let's rewind time.

So while we went to go find Draken i saw his cute dress and forced Rindou to come with me to get dresses like them and here we are.

(in the morning)

Me and my brother Rindou were eating cereal until Mikey randomly spoke up and said "Guys" everyone faced him and this one blonde girl told him to shut up. "Anyway recently Ken-chin has been leaving a lot and i think i know why." Mikey continued ignoring the blonde girl. Sanzu asked him why and he replied with "...because...he's...a...spy" everyone gasped and i gasped really loud to show how shocked i am.

"So why don't we follow him guys??" Mikey said abs we all agreed cause why not. Angry said he found him we looked to see him in this dress and everyone started laughing while i stared at him with stars in my eyes, flabbergasted.

Everyone went back saying something about showing Y/n and the others or whatever but i followed them back to their little hideout and forced my brother to come with me.

We peeked through and saw all of the kids giving money and saw Draken sitting and eating cookies. He then got up and left but he was probably going back home, not that i cared of course i just wanted one of those uniforms 😍😍

"Brother why am i here again" Rindou asks with his eyebrow twitching "Shut up" I kindly replied to him and he hmphed and looked away. "I think that's the room they keep the uniforms in come on." I say and i drag Rindou. "AOUAGH-" he squeals as i snatched him.

"Oh my lord. My eyes so many pretty uniforms 😍😍" I say with sparkles dancing around me i twirl and start dancing "My eyes.." Rindou says while his glasses slowly slid off while he looked like he wanted to die. "COME ON RINDOU LETS TRY THEM ON!!" I say super excited.

We were changed and i was twirling around while Rindou was in his uniform and he was standing there with his back slumped and his jaw dropped. "What is the point of living.." He mumbles. I don't care tho i'm too busy twirling around.

The end

I don't know how but i ran out of storage and it wouldn't let me save it and i started panicking so i had to re-write this chapter and delete 3 of my favourite apps for you guys 😿😿


i've been sick for 2 weeks now and im starting to get concerned cause instead of getting better ive been getting worse and worse so i might die soon lmfao 💀

you love me, i love me we all love me 👹👹

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