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Previously: 'They decided whoever loses gets pushed into the sink and they filled it up with freezing water and the loser is...'

(third person pov??)

Kazutora ended up winning and Sanzu got pushed into the freezing ice water. "YEAHHHHHHH I WON PRAISE ME BITCHES!!" Kazutora yells while jumping around. "You know i was gonna say congrats but never mind" Mitsuya says before walking away. "I- damn" Hanma says before walking away and then everyone just starts walking away. Kazutora is just left there by himself grumbling and cursing them all in his head before Shion walks up to him "congrats man" Shion says before walking away leaving Kazutora alone again. (ALONE AGAINN ALONE AGAINNN)

(timeskip to when they went to watch the movie)

Sanzu was still in the sink with the freezing water. He was stuck inside because nobody helped him up and he was too small to get out himself so he stayed in the kitchen sink yelling for help until the movie was over.

(timeskip to when the movie ended)

Sanzu was still left in the sink alone and it was late he assumed everyone was sleeping and just gave up.

(timeskip to the morning Y/N's pov)

I woke up to see all the cats except Sanzu huddling around and snuggling on the bed. When i tried to get up i felt something holding me down so i looked and saw Hakkai snuggling onto my arm 'how adorable..' i thought before slowly removing him and quietly leaving the room to look for Sanzu. I checked in the washroom and i didn't see him there but i did see something else...a demon. I was about to scream but then i realized it was me. My hair was a mess so i fixed it before leaving the washroom to search for Sanzu again.

(Ignore this if you dont have hair)

I looked everywhere and still couldn't find him so i just went to the kitchen to get water. And when i looked in the sink i say Sanzu sleeping while shivering in icy cold water. "Oh no" I said quietly before gently picking him up and placing him on the couch. I dried him off gently not wanting to wake him up. I wrapped him up in a blanket gently so he's more warm but he was still shivering. I tried to wake him up but gently since he was a fragile kitty but all he did was sneeze. I went to get water for him and when i came back i saw a man with long blond?? hair and a black mask on laying down on my couch.

I was really scared but i didn't want to wake up the other kitten's so i grabbed a pillow and smacked the man. The man fell off of the couch "AUIHj..ajscnme" he mumbled. 'what the fuck does that mean..is he trying to curse me?? wait a minute Sanzu..WHERES SANZU???!?!' I thought i smacked the man again and said "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY CAT??" the man looks at me confused. He looked like he was about to answer and then "ACHOO" he sneezed, he sneezed loud as fuck. "Boy shut your bitch ass up right now your gonna wake up the others. Now tell me what did you do with my cat." I whispered to him demandingly not even caring he's sick. I just want to know what he did to my precious kitty. "What i am your cat what do you mean?" he askes me sounding genuinely confused. "..What" I started to think. 'i mean he does have the mask and his hair is the same color as Sanzu's fur he also has cat ears and a tail..' "WAIT A MINUTE SANZU??!?" I yelled. "Psh what happened to not waking the others" he said while rolling his eyes.

"Rude anyways what your trying to tell me is that your Sanzu??" I asked not fully sure. "Yup" he said looking kinda mad. "What's wrong you look pretty mad?" I asked him. "What do you mean 'what's wrong you' guys literallt forgot me in the sink with freezing water and you expect me to be happy? i even have a fever now." he huffed while crossing his arms and facing the other way. "Sorry ill make you soup then" I said before helping him back onto the couch and walking into the kitchen.

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