what is wrong with mikey.

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(Third persons pov??)

At 2:43am a 5'3 blond boy with cat ears can be found staring at his iPad while kicking his feet. What is this 5'3 blond boy with cat ears watching?

A documentary..

On a turtle.

"The turtle then picks up the leaf. The turtle turns around. The turtle takes a slow step. The turtle then takes another step.." Mikey was staring at the iPad, in a trance not realizing that Y/n, Emma and Draken where all at the doorway staring at him in concern.

"What the fuc-" Emma said.

(The next day)

(Y/n's pov)

I got up and was gonna go to the living room to get something to eat when i just saw everyone on the couch with their mouths hanging open. "Now what the hell happened to you guys" I asked them while raising my eyebrow. But nobody answered. "apple." I heard somebody say apple and turned to see Mikey. "Oh good morning Mike-" I didn't even get to finish my damn sentence cause all i heard was..

"I picked up an apple. And bit the apple. But then..The apple dropped. And i couldn't eat the appel." Mikey said monologuing everything he did.

"What the ever living fuck." I said concerned and confused. I turned around and i was going to ask them a question but instead i decided to keep quiet and sit on the couch to join them being shocked.

Alright that's it i'm genuinely scared. It's been and hour and Mikey is still doing his Monologue thingy.

"I stood up. I took a step. I took another step.." Mikey started his monologuing. But Taiju had enough, he had other plans. He took a chair and next thing i knew he threw it at Mikey's head and started praying claiming he was "casting his demons away".

Everyone was huddling around to see if Taiju actually did "cast away his demons" but when Mikey woke up...

It didn't stop.

"I wake up. I touch my forehead. My forehead has a bump the size of Takemichi's as-" Mikey was starting to monologue again. "You know what, i'm done with this shit." Kazutora said. "Give me this." He said as he snatched Taiju's bible before using it to smack Mikey in the face knocking him out again. Everyone was speechless (except Hanma he was giggling), Kazutora just shoved the bible back to Taiju's arms and dipped.

Mikey woke up again but decided to just stay quiet instead because he didn't wanna get smacked again. Hanma looked at his bump and was still giggling and because his goofy giggle Y/n chuckled a bit. Hanma slowly turned his head to Y/n and started walking towards her. She just looked at him confused and next thing she knew Hanma snatched her and took her to her room.

He threw her onto the bed and got closer to her. He put his face so incredibly close to hers she could feel him breathing. He chuckled a bit before falling onto her and clinging onto her. "I feel like we don't hang out together that much" He mumbled still holding onto her. "But we're together every day?" Y/n responded confused. "I mean just the two of us." He responded holding on to her tighter but not tight enough to hurt her. She was about to say something but then realized he fell asleep.

She gave him a kiss on his forehead before falling asleep as well.

She had no choice other then that anyway, she couldn't move so yea.

The end

This chapter is so astronomically short but i came up with it on the spot so yea anyway don't be shy and give me chapter ideas before i start writing some shit abt flying dolphins.

Anyway since i posted a chapter after school you can't hate me or unlove me or unlove me more than you already did if you didn't love me in the first place, so continue loving me (not that you have a choice i will continue saying you love me, i love me, we all love me until it's engraved in your mind)



you love me, i love me we all love me 🫶

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