Taylor fucking Swift

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(This happened right after Y/n went to go shopping with Izana, Kakucho, Taiju, Baji and Mikey)

(third person pov??):
Right when Izana and Kakucho betrayed them by lying everyone else was bored and didn't know what to do until Ran came up with an idea. "Oooooo why don't we have a singing competition." Ran asks everyone. "Sure but there's no point seeing how i'm obviously gonna beat all of your sorry asses." Smiley says (i actually forgot about him so i decided to put him in this chapter as one of the stars 😭.) "Psh as if i'd beat you anytime you fucking oompa loompa." Hanma says back."*overly dramatic gasp* take that back right now." Smiley says. "Hahaha no." Hanma says. "Fine then well settle this fair and square." Smiley says. The war then begins.

They start singing random taylor swift songs and they both weren't giving up and they were on the floor after singing bad blood by taylor swift 💀. "It's a tie??" Angry says questioning himself. "No i won."......Kisaki says before stepping on the both of them. "Now clap for me bitches." Kisaki says acting all high and mighty. "Uh okay then" Takemichi says to himself and everyone starts clapping for Kisaki.

The next round was probably the most intense it was Kazutora vs Sanzu, and they were singing 'look what you made me do' also by Taylor Swift. (All these songs are gonna be taylor swift btw 😼). They were on the kitchen counter by the sink and they were using popsicle sticks as microphones. They decided whoever loses gets pushed into the sink and they filled it up with freezing water + ice and the loser is...

The end


this one's reallyyy short

Okay so i love Kazutora and Sanzu so instead i want you guys to pick who loses since
i can't.

This chapter is also very short it's only 289 words but this time i have a reason you guys have to make the option for me to continue

Something will happen depending on who wins

So hurry up and vote

You love me, i love me we all love me 😈

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