Chapter 32 Departures

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     Lyse looked over the city he was to depart from this day.

He is sure his presence will not be particularly missed. He will not be sent off with fanfare and a warm goodbye, but a passing indifference. That was the best, Lyse was nothing but some knight that handled some crooks and went on his way. He did bring a significant amount of trouble and unrest with his arrival. However, thanks to Lyse the underlying threat of the underlords, found to be nothing more than a puppet for Talin, is no more. Of course, their subsets will take time to weed out and cleanse from the lifeblood of this port city, but that was in the head of the new viceroy that Queen Lizbeth will be appointed here, and her efforts. But the city should be able to heal, be able to capture a glimmer of what it once was. He is sure that this hope is not lost on its many residents.

He had packed all his things, now only awaiting the arrival of Ryan so they can properly. He had not prepared to be away so long. This week-long venture battling Talin was a distraction from getting to the other godslayers. Even if Talin does not know where they were like he does, Lyse doesn't want to take the chance. He might have to reevaluate his strategy going forward if distractions like this will keep occurring. Godslayers, after all, are very good at getting themselves into trouble. And looking back at the past few days, Ryan will certainly live up to the mantel. However, Lyse can't help but feel a little remorse. After all, if he had never come to Antalya, never tried to disturb Ryan's life here, the tragedy of the orphanage would have never happened. Lyse wanted to make amends. He knew nothing monetarily will suffice enough, however. He brought flowers and goods and brought it to them anonymously. It's not enough, not nearly. But both he and Ryan must move on. Their enemy is getting ahead of them. They may have gotten a victory here in Antalya, but Lye got the sense that the war is indeed far from over.

He heard a knock on the door. After he answered, a maid walked in and curtsied. She had been his personal maid since he got here. "I have finished with washing your clothing, sir, they shall be delivered shortly."

"Thank you," he said. "Your work is truly appreciated."

She smiled, but before she left quickly returned. "Oh, yes. Captain Vivian has called you to her personal abode. It is urgent."

Lyse sighed. He wished to leave the city before any more of Vivian's lectures though he supposes that would be unavoidable. Hopefully, it won't take long, Ryan will be here any minute after visiting the prison and his family. He doubts she really cares about such things. But this was the first time she had invited him to her personal abode here in the city halls. Sure she came upon his own some nights prior, but this was different, and he knew that. He felt a little improper to come upon her fully dressed in his knightly attire while she would be wearing civilian clothes at this time of day. He had the urge to dress down for the occasion. But he set aside that idea as simply childish. They were both adults, they shouldn't have to act like children when it came to these things.

Captain Vivian's room was not too far from his own. Most likely by design, this was the most well-guarded section of the entire city hall. He knocked on the door, and immediately her voice sang out in mild surprise.

"Sir Colt?" she called, followed by rushing footsteps. Then the door was flung open, and Lyse was quite alarmed at the sight. It was the most casual that he had seen the captain. She was always posed and proper in her uniform or formal attire. But as she opened the door, she was dressed in full civilian clothing that looked thrown on. A waft of flowery scents and perfumes perforated his nose, and it was clear where they came from. Inside her room was basically a small garden, potted plants hanging along the balcony, in pots on the floor, the walls, and even some from the ceiling. And these pots are decorated with dozens of flowers from irises, allow peach blossoms, and many many more. It was like a gardener's dream come true. It was a bizarre sight to behold. But not as bizarre as the captain herself. Lyse was taller than her, so when he looked down to meet his gaze, she was just pulling on her gown and he caught an improper look at her cleavage. She seemed to notice this immediately and hastily covered up the embarrassment.

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