Chapter 37 Bounty Hunter

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    They were within at least two days of The Azure Bay; if they rode through the night, they could perhaps get there by the following day.

They only occasionally stop to allow Ryan's horse to rest and practice using the pendent's abilities. The more Ryan called upon the power, the more he could feel its immense strength that he was only partially aware of. Each of the gods, Hermes, Thanatos, and Aphrodite, and their abilities. Hermes was the easiest for him to master. Besides the more subtle power to understand practically any language he encounters, the speed to be able to run faster than the eye could see, he might be able to conceal himself via subtle illusions made it a perfect fit for him. Of course, his illusionary talents were somewhat lacking; hardly could he conjure compelling visages of Lyse or himself. But it allowed them to hide easier from monsters who seemed just to be passing over vaguely convincing rocks and bushes.

Aphrodite even had its uses. Of course, there was little use for battle, but he could keep the dirt off him, looking in the best conditions. Dirt and grime stuck less, and when he checked his reflection, he looked more well-groomed than he ought to be. Of course, not as baby-faced as Lyse, but indeed a face worth envying over. He has even heard that previous users could make others fall in love with a mere glance. The last, Thanatos, was the hardest to grasp. When he summoned that power, it felt like it was being snatched away from him sharply. Never again did he capture the necromantic power he felt fighting against Amond. He wondered if the conditions mattered. Will he have to be blasted with heart-stopping necrotic energy to summon this power once more? He hopes not. Ryan still thinks back, however, to that black-winged spirit near the cemetery and the mysterious figure in his dreams rambling on. What did it all mean, and was it all tied to that pendant? Even during his initial encounter with the god Zagreus, they were attacked by that very same being. What did it all mean?

Unfortunately, Ryan knew he was not going to get his answers so quickly. not out here in the middle of the desert. And Lyse was of little help in these matters as well. He has had no such thing occur to him whenever the gods decided to speak to him, nor did he hear of black entities attacking you in your sleep. They both guessed it was the work of demons, but neither could descend the validity of that theory. Demons, as Lyse said, haven't walked the earth since the times of the gods. They, too were trapped, not by their brethren but by men.

Their journey was going all too well for them. After all, one would think that Amond would throw quite literally all of Talin at them to at least slow their pursuit or retaliate for what had happened at Antalya. But besides the occasional creature and wondering spirits, they were met with little impediment.

Lyse looked over the mess of corpses, dead horses, and supplies half buried in the sandy dunes. Dried blood had been hungrily absorbed into the sand. Four were in total; two men, a woman, and a little girl. It was relatively straightforward that they were travelers, all wearing the clothing indicative of Asedians, their robes also covered in the same blood. There were some empty sacs and pouches strewn about, all emptied, of course. One of the men even had a weapon that was nowhere to be seen. It was clear that they had attacked in the dead of night, a campsite not too far away and collapsed tents. A gruesome scene performed by human assailants.

"Bandits," Ryan told Lyse in distaste. "They often wait out around here picking off travelers and traders without protection. Got them in the dead of night too, by the looks of it."

"This isn't related to our ventures, I hope," Lyse said, looking about the area. It was a much more uneven terrain than previous areas, where one might have been able to see attacks from miles away. "Too unclean to be the work of Talin; even if it weren't, I'd hardly know why'd they waste time."

"These were the regular sort of thugs," Ryan said. "Half trained turn feathers that prey upon the unsuspecting. Their heads are worth their wealth in copper on boards up and down the azure coast."

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