Chapter 16 Descend

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Ryan dropped into the darkness that the trapdoor led to. Immediately he closed his eyes and concentrated on the aura in the area instead, allowing the void to consume his vision. Not that he needed it as Veronica and the few meant at managed to follow her down did not attempt to mask their presence, splashing the dirty water about as they bounded off towards what he assumed were more secret passageways through the old ruins. Ryan, by contrast, could move ever so silently even with the water, keeping to the edge of the circular tunnel and scurrying. His blade drawn, he quickly approached one of the stragglers at the very back. He took notice of Ryan, and before considering sounding an alarm, he immediately fired a bullet right at Ryan's head. The projectile was narrowly avoided, sparking against the stone at his left as Ryan quickly dodged aside. Within that motion, he let loose yet another throwing knife, one of his last, which sailed right into the hand holding the gun, forcing the man to drop it instantly. Veronica and the others did not slow, leaving the man to the terrible fate of facing an outraged Ryan, who didn't waste a moment to land a solid blow across the man's face, sending him sprawling into the sewage in a daze. Ryan paid no mind to him, and the military police would take care of the remaining mercenaries. He was after Veronica.

     Ryan continued his pursuit. Without the blessing of avra to enhance their movements, they were sitting babes by comparison. He heard curses as they saw him once more approaching. This time, all three let loose rounds at him. The barrage forced him to duck to the side into a notch that most likely had been some ancient access to the sewer. The bullets skidded past him. He knew he had to be careful. Although he may be fast enough to dodge their shots, it was still dark, and smaller objects like the lead balls that could rip him apart were harder to see with avra.

     "Hold the bastard here," she heard her bark. But he wasn't going to allow that. Instead, he readied his last throwing knife and tossed it directly at the man who seemed closest to reloading his flintlock pistol, hard to do in the darkness. The blade sunk deep into his stomach as he immediately doubles over from pain and shock. The other abandoned his firearm, instead drawing a sword to meet Ryan head to head, though impossible. They had been firing aimlessly before in his general direction. With avra, he could see them rather clearly, and he deflected the aimless blow to the side to follow up with a deadly backhand, catching the mercenary across the face. He was sent to the ground, closing his hand to his wound as he cried out in agony. But Ryan didn't pay him any mind, instead of moving on as Veronica continued her escape. 

      He saw the light ahead and saw a stone door being pulled aside by Veronica just enough to step inside as he rounded the corner. She cursed herself, just seeing Ryan coming about. She had hoped those two would delay him just a bit more, as the door would be undetectable unless you knew what to look for. But now he was upon her, and just before she could entirely close the heavy door back in its locked place, his hand shot through the last opening and began pulling the door in his favor. She knew better than to wrestle with someone with Avra. she immediately stepped back and drew her gun,but grunted when she found that she had not yet reloaded. She instead pulled forth her saber and faced Ryan as he ripped the door practically off its hinges, hearing a sharp snap as he drew it fully open. He noted the blade in her hand and brandished his own.

      "It doesn't have to go down this way, Veronica," said Ryan, entering the small torch-lit corridor. "If you come quietly, they won't execute you. They may even show you mercy if you give up something on Bok."

      "Well, I'm flattered," she said cruelly with a thin smile. "But I'm not handing myself to the brass. Bok would rather kill me."

      "We can protect you," he said, almost pleadingly. "Think of Cass, Veronica, and you don't want to do this to her."

     "I have no choice," she said resolved, as she leaped forward with a deadly cut at his head. She was well versed in swordplay but nowhere near the level of training that could worry the likes of Ryan. He backed away just out of reach as the blade sailed past. She immediately tried to conserve the momentum of her missed blow to a backhand thrust, but he had already stepped right into her guard by the time she could recover. Then, with the pommel of his shortsword, he planted a solid blow just behind her ear, and she was immediately sent unconscious. He tossed her on his back to save her the fall.

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