Chapter 19 The Avenger

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     "Shit," Ryan looked around the tunnel he was in now. "He wished he had a map or anything to navigate this place. He had a glimpse at the one Lyse had, but even that was sparse in details. Talon will undoubtedly have constructed all sorts of hidden entrances and tunnels to circumvent any trailing. That was a standard, and it was challenging to use void to search for these openings himself. They have home-field advantage, can erase any trace of themselves, and operate cooperatively. The further he goes, the more danger he will face. If he finds himself surrounded, there may not be much he can do.

     He looked down at the pendant now dangling at his chest. It must have fallen from beneath his clothes while he was running. He didn't expect it to be doing much, but he felt this pent-up energy constantly streaming and mixing with his natural aura as time went on. It was invigorating, but Ryan still felt this uneasiness around his neck, like the pendant was trying to reject him but must cling to him to survive. Like an unwilling parasite. He was taken back to that moment talking with the god Zagreus, that creature that emerged and attacked him. Whatever these gods were, their power was not meant for mortal use. But then, in his moment of consideration, he saw the pendant began to warm a bit. Then a lot. The black gem suddenly began emitting a soft purple glow in his palm. And then, he felt his senses forced to their extreme, on sudden instinctual alertness that roused him. He was staring off to either end of the hall, expecting some demon to come charging after him. That was how bad it was. It racked his brain. But then felt a clearer sense of where the danger was coming from. He turned just in time to be knocked aside by a blue. It was too fast for him to react, but the blow was pretty tame. He was back on his feet, sword in hand to the danger.

      "Oh, color me purple," he saw a man, perhaps in his middling years, briefly looking back at him before looking down at his pendant and sneering. "Not another one of you godlings. I've just got rid of one of you, and I don't need another at the moment."

      "Who the hell," Ryan was upside down, confused, but the man didn't seem to pay him a second mind as he was gone again in a blur. It was so fast that his mind registered him as simply appearing and disappearing. But the kick-up of dust and wind convinced him of the contrary. Innately, something familiar about that man's aura called to him, and he felt the answer in the back of his mind. "Hermes?"

      "Ryan," he turned to find the prince stopping before him. He was covered in some white powdery substance and smelled of chemicals. He looked like he had been running for miles. "Did you see him?"

      "Tall guy, shaggy looking hair?" He asked. "Just missed him. He was gone just like that."

      Lyse gave a heavy sigh. "I can't keep up with him. He's one of those Plithos, Hermes, I think."

     "Is he the one we're after then?" Ryan asked. "He's headed where the other Talin members are headed to."

     "I don't think so," Lyse said. "He told me he's here to deliver a message. I wish we could keep following, but it's too dangerous. They haven't mapped this part of the ruins yet. There could be all sorts of traps and ambush points where are completely unaware."

      "You got to be kidding me," Ryan shouted. "We know where they're going. Just need to smoke them out."

     "Perhaps," Lyse agreed. "Trust me, and I want to roast the lot of them. But we are taking unnecessary risks. We did well here. We got your friend; Bok's right hand and enough evidence of something suspicious to fuel further investigation. We can explore more later."

    "What if they try and leave before then?" Ryan asked. " We know where they are. They aren't going to wait for us."

     "It's going to be hard making moves when we have one of their higher commands," Lyse pondered. "It should buy us a bit of time. Hopefully, this Veronica cracks before then. But our efforts end, at least here."

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