Chapter 3 The Return

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The Princes have returned, on winged white horses descending from the clouds.

It has been only half a year since the unfortunate and mysterious siege occurred upon the capital city of Liontari, Silondras. Although Queen Celia erased the physical destruction of the capital itself, the true scars carried on in the hearts of citizens. Nevertheless, life has returned to relative normalcy, as it were. The markets were always open, the people were always smiling, and the soldiers were always ready for action. But this was not the extent of the security that they were able to supply. Due to the decree of the Grandmaster, who authorized dealings with mages overseas and other diplomatic dealings, even magical means of protection, were provided. The fact that these attacks had occurred in all Western powerhouses undoubtedly has strengthened some sort of bond, however tenuous that bond may be now. But with more magical means of repelling specific threats. Silondras was healing. A lot of this mending and reconstruction has been attributed to the newest queen of Liontari. Queen Celia Opal, someone of Hathan nobility gone into hiding and finding herself suddenly the sovereign of one of the seven kingdoms, has spent the better part of six months being the head of many of these events. While many found it odd that a figure such as she has taken the place of their beloved King James, they were complacent for the most part. She has shown herself in that very siege to be a mighty and capable warrior as well as inspiration, protecting the people with her bloody fists.

Yes, she has become quite popular with the public faction. Her upbringing as a farmer's wife in a relatively insignificant plains village painted her as somewhat as a casual appearance. And like the king, she was often found roaming the city streets to commune with the local people when she was not cooped up in the fortress. The artisan sect has seen some much-needed attention, as many shops unsurprisingly burned down. And with the aid of one of the knights who grew up in the section, they did their fair work reconstructing it even better than before. While the interactions with the common factions have been more than courteous, unfortunately, the same could not be said for the noble faction. Despite a reputation amongst the Ryal faction as some sort of advisor or general right hand to the king at one point in his young life, Celia was still a new sight to many nobility who had found balance in James' steady rule. And now, a new figure has arrived. It wasn't a pleasant first impression when she had ordered that nobility would pitch into the collective reconstruction efforts, and even more so that she is of Hathan blood. Many had speculated that someone from the noble faction could be elected, but with her sudden arrival, that opportunity, unfortunately, had gotten taken away.

But, the minor nobility of Liontari was the least of Celia's troubles because the pilgrimage shall commence soon enough. But first, a little going away party would be set for her departure for her journey across the western powers to meet with the various rulers and other important figures. It was customary, and this banquet shall also serve as a welcome home event for the elusive princes of the queen, Lyse and Edlund Opal. While the queen herself was rather sociable, her children had stayed far and away from any potential prying eye. Both her sons, knights, had gone off on their agenda that many were curious about, while the daughter had stayed within the fortress never seen for more than a moment outside the walls. Some theories and gossip flew about that she was ill or crippled perhaps, but for Celia, she merely wanted to make sure that she was ready for what may occur. This banquet shall be the most public event that Massia has ever attended, in fact, and at one point, she supposed she would be more nervous. Seeing the tables being set in the ballroom, more ornate decorations, and banners hung from the railings, she felt some sort o nostalgia for the festivals she would witness at home. The entire ball area was rather excited as she followed behind her mother, who gave directions to her various curators, who then relayed her demands to the castle's staff. It seemed her mother was falling more and more into her role than even she realized. She kept herself busy with what was around her, really Massia was better off doing something else like training or practicing, but her mother found it imperative for her to follow her around like a lost dog.

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