Chapter 35 The Ice Devils

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Remmus walked about the gardens that surrounded the central Wild Hall. These gardens are a strange mix of unkempt unbridled spreading in whatever space plants could take up, an intentional effort to increase their beauty. So many bushels shoved against one another, vying for resources of the plentiful earth blessed long ago. Such is the nature of Thirian, Remmus supposed. As he traversed this narrow garden path, now and again, he would stop and place a small stone table he carried underarm, only to bury it again. Several Valorian guards watched him as he went about, uncomfortable with his presence. Most royals or even the nobles here would typically be surrounded by dozens of their guards, less relying on the Valorian guard for protection despite their reputation. Ever since the sudden and swift assassination of the late James Colton of Liontar, this sentiment was heavily shared among many. But Remmus was not like most other leaders. He was fine going about without outward protection, even having John leave to look after that girl Moxie. Besides, he's sure his apprentice would be nagging him for taking such measures without.

     He buried the last of these stone disks in the ground, covering it up. Within moments, he felt a hum of avra slowly spring to life, like a cocoon of energy that slowly enveloped the entire Hall. Indeed some knights would feel a tingle on the back of their neck, but it should be otherwise unnoticeable. It was a barrier, of course. Able to repel most sorts of attacks, magical or otherwise. Similar magic is used throughout Torlak and its facilities but does not do much in the rest of Thiria. He plans to do the same to other capital areas, like Silondras, in the future to prevent further sudden incursions. It was bare, and a mage worth his salt would perhaps find their countermeasures, but it was the first of many steps when Thiria does unite against this dark foe. He hopes.

      As he stood, he felt all his hate stand on end. He turned, seeing his ward standing there as if he was always there. He looked exhausted; his hat missing, braid a mess, and clothes covered in dirt and . . . blood?

     "Good heavens," Remmus remarked. "You looked like you were dragged through a battlefield, John."

     "An apt comparison, my lord," John took a deep breath to steady himself. "I'm afraid I come with bad news, master."

     "Come now, John," he said. "You should know that there is no such thing as good or bad in the flow of time and destiny. There are only things that are and aren't. Now tell me what has happened in Hath."

     John sighed. "Vance has escaped."

    Remmus paused. "My, that is bad news. Was it Talin who initiated this attack?"

    He nodded. "They came upon the sky in metal contraptions, sailing the clouds like the ordinary ocean. Then, like shadows, they descended, and with swiftness, they struck. They had upended the entire prison in mere moments."

    Remmus sighed deeply. He should have known they would collect such a vile man as Vance. He doesn't know how information about his capture got about, but perhaps he should have put precautions in place to ensure his imprisonment. "I'm sure their trail must have gone cold by now, even if my ravens were at the ready. I will tell the others of this. What of the girl, Moxie? What does she plan on doing now that her . . . father has been released? Surely she will go after him?"

     A small smile crept upon John's face. "The processing is difficult due to certain revelations. But she seems keen on tracking him down. But she did, at the very least, agree to start her search in Antalya and among the Azure sea for the time being."

     "How the stars have aligned," Remmus agreed with his sentiment. "I'm sure Lizbeth shall be thrilled to hear it. Things have certainly gotten hectic here as well."

     "What do you mean, my lord?" John had only been gone a week. He fears what may have occurred in his leave, but his master's cocksure smirk did not ease him.

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