Characters from Theurgy: Forsaken Oaths

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LYSE OPAL: Human. Eldest Prince of Liontar, son of Queen Celia Opal of Bath. Godslayer. Age 22

His family:

EDLUND: Human. Lyse's adoptive younger brother. Second Prince of Liontar. Age 20

MASSUA: Human. Princess of Liontar, Daughter of Celia Opal. 16

CELIA: Thirian(LION). Lyse's mother; From the kingdom of Hath; Former Godslayer, current Queen of Liontar. Age 47

WILBUR: Human. Lyse's Father; a Former knight retired after the civil war; former godslayer. DECEASED.

MAKYRA TIANUS: Thirian(WOLF). From the Lykos Clan; orphaned since a kid; the guardian for Celia and her family; age 33

Characters of the Empire:

KING JAMES COLTON: Human. A knight and late King of Liontar; former godslayer. DECEASED.

NOVIA LAO: Umani. A knight of Liontar; Paladin of Exploration; age 47

LUPREN: Human. A knight of Liontar; Paladin of Security; Best Friend fo James; age 48

AURELIUS: A knight of Liontar; Paladin of War; Age 45

GIDEON "THE DARK HAND": human; A mysterious figure who guards the empire from the shadows guided only by the word of the second wife of the first emperor; age 62

ELENA ROSENWALD: Human. A Knight from the noble faction; A Legionnaire among Edlund's Legion; age 20

GRAY MOUSER: Human. A knight from the artisan faction. A legionnaire among Edlund's legion; age 19

DAGMYRE TAURUS: Human. A knight from the artisan faction. A legionnaire among Edlund's legion; age 21

Godslayers and Acquaintances:

RYAN PESMENOS: human. Last survivor of the house of Pesmenos, Talin trained assassin turned bounty hunter: Godslayer; age 23

MOXIE SMITHE: Human. A merchant among the southern seas; former guardian of the godslayers; Admiral of the Hathan royal fleet; age 30

BLIJ; Human. A Shi'Asedian; second in command under Moxie and navigator; a former servant of the house of Smithe

REMMUS MYTHWEAVER: Human. The Grandmaster of the mystic arts; leader of Torlak; Former Godslayer of Hecate, Poseidon, Hestia; age 40

JOHN OF NULE: Human. The guardian of Remmus and companion; Origins unknown; Age unknown

LIZBETH: Thirian. The queen of Hath; Lyse's Aunt; twin of Celia; the former Godslayer of Zeus, Hephaestus, and Ares; age 47

AVERY: Human. Fellow orphan and friend of Ryan Pesmenos, and romantic interest; age 20

ZEKE: Acirfan. Fellow orphan and friend of Ryan Pesmenos; Age 25

THYRA: Princess and heir to the Morenians; age 17

NJAL: Prince and heir to the Morenians; age 19

GENERAL RENARD: General  in Edlund's Legion, appointed by Aurelius to advise him if need be; age 56


ADEN: human. Former friend of Ryan during his stay in Atalanta, acting as a barkeep to spy on Ryan under suspicion of being a former Talin agent.

UMERIUS: Human. The former Prime Noctum of Talin. Killed by Hecate; Age unknown

HECATE: species unknown(Plithos); the Prime Noctus of Talin; Age unknown

ATALANTA: species unknown(Plithos); advisor to the Prime Noctus; Age unknown

THANATOS: Human(vessel). Formerly known as William Dulmont

MAKHAI: Warrior spirits resurrected within human bodies

AMOND: Human; A master of the dark art of necromancy. The former right hand of the Prime Noctum UMERIUS. Age 102

APHRODITE AREIA: the warlike aspect of the goddess of love

APHRODITE PANDEMOS: the more sensual and sexual aspect of the goddess of love.

The Pendants- 

The Pendant of Life- Dionysus, Demeter, Persephone, Athena, Hestia, Aeolus, Pan, Aether, Aion, Coeus, Phoebe, Rhea, The Ourea, Nike

The Pendant of Death-Thanatos, The Keres, Aphrodite, Hermes, Achlys, Iapetus, Styx, Damysus, The Moirai, Dolos, Eros, Adonis, Minos, Sisylhus

The Pendant of Magic- Hecate, Cronus, Oceanus, Tethys, Selene, Uranus, Gaia, Helios, Aisa, Eirene, Tyche, Hypnos, Oneiroi

The Pendant of Strength- Hyperion, Atlas, Helios, Zeus, Hephaestus, Ares, Pallas, The Makhai, Alke, Kratos, Polemos

The Pendant of Sight- Prometheus, Artemis, Apollo, Mnemosyne, Theia, Asteria, Dione, Eos, Epimetheus, Metis, Morpheus, The Muses

The Pendant of Darkness- Hades, Nyx, Erebus, Lelantos, Menoetius, Perses, Nemesis, Apate, Area, Deimos, Eris,

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