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Lisa was breathing heavily by the time she hauled her giant suitcase up the flight of stairs to the third floor of her new sorority house. Well, the sorority house was new to her but not the sorority. Lisa had already become a fully-fledged member of Chi Theta Sigma during her time at UCLA.

When she found out that there was a chapter of her sorority in the university she was transferring to, it instantly made leaving California for this Midwestern state a little bit more appealing.

So she contacted the sorority chapter in the school she was transferring to and was overjoyed when they told her that they would take her.

Not all sororities would do that; accept transfers from other chapters without having to go through the pledging process Iike any other initiate.

Lisa happily paid the first month's membership dues and housing deposit and she was on her way to start her new life as a new student in her new university but living with the sisters of her beloved sorority!

Reaching the end of the hallway, Lisa stopped in front of Room 7. Twisting the knob, she pushed the door open to her new bedroom.

Jennie Kim, the sorority president was standing in front of a dresser placing clothes into the top drawer. Lisa instantly recognized the young woman from a photo on the sorority's website.

"Uh, you're not Seulgi" fell out of Lisa's mouth before she could stop the words.

Jennie turned her head and looked at Lisa up and down for a long moment before she replied with a curt, "Obviously" She returned to putting away her clothes and didn't say anything more. Lisa worried her lip, her thoughts churning. What the hell?

Lisa and Seulgi were assigned to be roommates a few weeks ago and they had texted a bit on Instagram.

The sophomore seemed like a really nice girl and had been eager to show Lisa around the school. Why was the sorority president here in her room? And why was she kinda...cold?

"Am I supposed to be in a different room?" Lisa asked, hating the way that her voice came out so timidly. Lisa saw Jennie's chest rise and fall like she hated what she was about to say next.

"No, this is your room" Jennie said, with an edge in her tone that sent a chill down Lisa's spine.

Her face pinching into an expression of distaste, she continued, "Seulgi decided at the last minute that she was going to live with her boyfriend. And Wendy, who's been my roommate for the last two years, is doing a semester abroad in Korea. Dahyun and Momo really wanted to be in the same room, so they got my old room... the two of us are going to be roommates."

"Oh." Apprehension tickled Lisa's stomach. She may not be a genius but she could tell that Jennie didn't like her.

Recovering quickly, she chirped, "Cool!" With more cheerfulness than was probably necessary.

She barreled on, "I'm sure we'll get along great. I'm an awesome roommate. Just ask Miyeon. Miyeon was my roommate back at UCLA. We were in the same pledge class, we really bonded during initiation, then we became roomies and we did everything together. We designed the shirt for our pledge class and it turned out awesome. Gosh, I'll really miss her. She was the best sister in the whole sorority to me, but I know you and I will be just as good as friends..!"

The look on Jennie's face cut off Lisa's rambling. Jennie was looking at her like she was something vile on the bottom of her shoe. Lisa swallowed.

"Lisa Manobal, right?" Jennie asked airily, but it sounded like she was saying it is a complete and utter idiot.

"The transfer from the UCLA chapter. You were on the cheer squad for the last two years. Majoring in Earth and Environmental Science with a Korean minor."

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