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A/N: Long chapter

Lisa rolled out her pink yoga mat on the hardwood floor. The class was pretty packed, so they had to set up where there were free spots.

Minnie and Ten were a couple of rows behind her.

The yoga teacher, a young woman with ripped arms and lululemon pants, stepped into the room.

"Good evening everyone, I'd like to begin tonight's practice on our backs." She glided easily between the rows of mats toward the front of the room.

Lisa dutifully stretched herself long on her mat.

"Take a deep breath" The woman instructed, her voice pitched low. "And exhaaaale. That's it. Again. Inhale."

Lisa closed her eyes and felt the breath roll through her body. When she exhaled this time, the muscles along her neck and spine relaxed, uncoiling like a fist that had been clenching for far too long.

God, she thought, pulling her knees up into her chest. I needed this. I've been such a hot mess.

After a round of floor asanas, the teacher led them through their first flow.

"We're trying to build heat in our core." The instructor purred as if sweat wasn't running down Lisa's sides every time she stretched her arms over her head.

The heater in the corner was on full blast. The girl beside her lay down on her mat with a huff, refusing to go on. Lisa couldn't quit.

She wanted her mind to be fucking empty, her thoughts obliterated, and this
the flow was too consuming to let her down.

Thoughts of Jennie and what she was doing right now hadn't intruded into her mind, so she was doing great. It's like Jennie didn't exist or something.

I am so zen right now.

"Now we're going to move into crow pose."

Crow pose. One of the more advanced poses because you basically had held up all your weight on your palms, while your knees were tucked up under your armpits, with your head dangling over the


It required a lot of core strength, concentration, and practice.

"If you can't completely do the whole pose, just stay in your squat.That's totally fine. Remember, yoga isn't a competition!" The teacher chirped.

It's been a while since Lisa did a crow pose. But it's fine. I got this.

Lisa rolled forward from her squat and bent her elbows deeply. Activating her core, she drew her body up and began to place her knees on the back of her elbows.

She touched them lightly, adjusting to the weight and balance of her body.

An exhale, and she settled into the pose. Her face was parallel to the floor."And we're going to hold it for a five count.


As she stared into the ground, Jennie's face appeared under her.

Ebony hair fanned across the pillow, lips parted as Jennie's breath came out in soft gasps.

Her cheeks were tinted pink and her pupils were blown wide. Lisa felt Jennie's nails digging into the soft flesh of her shoulder.


Jennie's mouth fell open as pleasure rolled across her expression. Her back arched into a bow, pressing their naked, sweat-slicked chests together.

God, I love staring at Jennie's beautiful face when she comes.

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