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After Lisa walked out the door, Jennie took a few minutes to compose herself. Several deep breaths later, Jennie calmly exited the bedroom and went about her very busy day.

When she returned to the sorority house late that evening, the remaining girls in the house were watching a horror film.

Jennie hated scary movies of any kind, but she obediently sat through the whole thing. Going to her room and being alone was not an option.

Once the end credits started to roll, Yeri grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. She looked around the room and laughed.

"Oh wow, they all cut out and left." Turning to her with a smile, she said,

"I'm surprised you stayed till the end, Jennie. I know this isn't your jam."

"I like to try new things." Jennie responded with a shrug.

I can't be alone with my thoughts right now.

Yeri nodded thoughtfully, then opened her mouth in a big yawn.

"Is there another movie you want to see?" Jennie asked quickly. Please, don't go back to your room yet.

"Oh god, no. I'm super sleepy. I've been up since 6 am this morning."

Her shoulders sagged, anxiety threading through her stomach.

"Night Jennie." The younger girl rose from the couch.

"Goodnight." She said quietly. Now here she was, in her room, finally alone after Lisa left. The silence in their room was so heavy. It seemed to press on her from all sides.

Lisa's side of the room was devoid of the items that were usually strewn about. Clothes draped over the desk chair, makeup and cosmetics on top of the dresser, and books and manga piled beside the bed.

Even the plush toy was gone. The absence of Lisa's personal items sent a pang of sadness to throb in her chest. The room had never felt so empty.

What's worse is that when she comes back in a month, she'll pack up the rest of her things and move out.

Winter break seemed to stretch out in front of her, impossibly long. Like staring down the barrel of a shotgun. What the hell was she going to do to fill up her days?

Jennie sighed and rose from her desk chair. Maybe after a good night's sleep, things will seem better in the morning.

Several hours later, staring up at the ceiling as she lay in bed, Jennie gave in. She sat up and pulled Lisa's baby blue hoodie from under her pillow.

The dark room was the only witness to Jennie pulling on the hoodie, so she didn't have to feel embarrassed. Not even when she lifted the collar over her nose and inhaled deeply, her eyes slipping shut.

It still smelled like Lisa. She laid back down and soon was finally able to fall asleep.


"Mom! Breakfast's ready!" Lisa plated the omelet and set it on her mother's place at the kitchenette table.

"Good morning, dear." her mom said before giving her a kiss on her forehead. Sitting down in her chair, she continued, "I'm so happy my baby is home."

Lisa gave her mother a warm smile as she sat down across from the older woman. "Me too, mom. I'm happy to be home. I really missed this."

They proceeded to eat breakfast, their first meal together after four months. Chitthip wanted to know everything about Lisa's semester in her new school out in the Midwest.

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