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After checking out at the lobby, Jisoo walked out of the hotel to wait for the chartered bus that was going to take them back to their sorority house.

It was about a two-hour ride and Jisoo planned on getting some homework done during the drive. Once she got back, she planned to go to Rosé's house and spend the night there.

There was no way she would get any schoolwork done then, so it was crucial that she finished her work while on the bus.

Jisoo walked up to Joy who was by the curb waiting for the bus. Joy was resting her butt on top of her hard-shell carry-on suitcase, dark sunglasses over her eyes, and shoulders uncharacteristically slouched.

She clutched an extra-large coffee in her hands. Joy looked like she barely had any life the force left in her small body.

"Good morning" Jisoo greeted.

"Ready to go home?" Sipping her coffee, Joy grunted in the affirmative.

"Yeah, me too. I'm pretty tired. These things are exhausting." Jisoo was trying to empathize with the poor girl.

"Not being able to sleep at night makes it even worse." Joy muttered grumpily. "And I'm not going to be able to fall asleep on this bus ride."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. Now she knew why Lisa returned to their room super late last night.

She patted Joy'sshoulder. "Hang in there. Just two hours and you'll be back in your own bed."


This is just sex. Nothing more.

The voice in Jennie's head was very insistent as she grabbed the lapels of Lisa's shirt and drew her in for a heated kiss as soon as their bedroom door closed.

This isn't love.

Jennie thought desperately as Lisa's lips trailed from her neck to her collarbone. Lisa continued to trace a path down her sternum, fire licking along her spine and across her chest, sending heat to pool low in her belly.

The brunette's hands slid up Lisa's sides, following the flare of her hips and the curve of her waist. When her thumbs swiped over Lisa's nipples, a plaintive whine spilled from her throat, wordlessly asking for more.

It's not love.

Jennie asserted to herself as she slide her tongue through Lisa's wet heat in that first exploratory stroke.

It's not love, it's not love, it's not love echoed in Jennie's mind as she wrapped her hands around Lisa's thighs and came.


Not wanting to wake Lisa, Jennie gently rose from the bed. Jennie walked across their room in bare feet and turned on the lamp on her desk.

She placed her Accounting textbook in the middle of the table. A couple of hours of studying were ahead of her tonight.

Needing to clothe herself because she was naked, she dug around in her closet to find something comfortable to wear.

She was about to put on a soft raglan sweatshirt when she changed her mind. She wanted to wear something else.

Something that would be perfect. From Lisa's bed, Jennie picked up her roommate's baby blue CTS hoodie.

As she pulled the hoodie on, she inhaled Lisa's smell. She couldn't help the smile that broke across her face. Good thing no one saw it.

It's not love. Jennie nodded absentmindedly to herself as she sat down at her desk.

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