Push and Pull

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Lisa: Hey, when are you and Rosé getting back?

Jisoo: Tomorrow around 2 pm. How was Thanksgiving with Jennie's fam?

Lisa: Yeah, it wasn't great😒

Jisoo: What happened?

Lisa: Long story. Not important.

Lisa: Actually not really a long story. Her grandpa is a dick. But that's not the real problem.

Jisoo: Ugh, I had a feeling he was a jerk 😤

Lisa: The problem is that I'm dumb

Jisoo: You're not dumb, you're the smartest person I know

Lisa: I'm the dumb bitch who caught feelings for her roommate. God, I'm pathetic. I'm such a basic bitch

Jisoo: Hold up, why is this a bad thing? Did Jennie's grandpa find out about you two😰😳

Lisa: No, no, nothing like that.

Lisa: But it's over. It's really over. I'm done. I don't want to be her roommate anymore.

Jisoo: Oh snap. It's serious huh

Lisa: Can we be roommates next semester? Please? I know you like being single but I'm a really good roommate.

Jisoo: Of course, I'll be your roomie

Jisoo: We just need to fill out the room change request

Jisoo: The deadline was 3 wks ago but I think it's fine

Lisa: And I won't fall in love with you cuz you're already wifed up, haha

Lisa: I'm never falling in love again

Lisa: I'm in so much pain right now🤕

Jisoo: Hey where r u? Are you drinking right now?

Jisoo: Rosé is worried. Me too.

Jisoo: Lisa? 

Jisoo: Hellooo?

Lisa: Nah girl, I'm still in the car with Jennie. Driving back from Chicago

Jisoo: Oh, ok, ok. Call me when you get home

Lisa: So, how's it going with Rosé over there?

Jisoo: It's good. My Grandma loves her. Go figure my sister was a little iffy but she's like that with everyone

Lisa: That's great


The end of the fall semester was crazy busy for everyone on campus.

When students returned from Thanksgiving weekend, there was one week of regular classes and then Finals the following week.

Essentially, there were two weeks between Thanksgiving and Winter Break. Two weeks to wrap up classes, submit the last projects and papers, take exams, and pack to head home for the holidays.

Students usually lose their minds during this time and there's a reason why the mental health services are ramped up starting in late November.

In the Chi Theta Sigma house, there was a moratorium on partying and sorority activities so the girls could buckle down for Finals Week.

Jennie did all her studying in her room, but Lisa was never there unless it was to sleep at night.

There were a few nights she didn't even do that, falling asleep in Jisoo's room across the hall instead.

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