Split Personality Disorder (DID)

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3rd person POV

"Take this" mew said holding out the cup of fruit juice with his now bandages up hand

Gulf looked at it and shook his head a bit that's when mew remembered gulf couldn't hold the cup, he looked towards mild

"Is the robot almost done" he asked and mild stopped eating and put his chop sticks down

"Almost tong's working on it" mild said with full cheeks his hand was also wrapped up he broke a few bones trying to stop mew he only had a cut on his lips and he had a bandage on his head and nose his nose was shattered and his head was bleeding due to the impact he had against the wall mew slammed him on

Mew nodded and sat the cup down before he sat down on his knees in front of gulf who was sitting on the couch in his room, mild looked shocked mew who made a promise to never bow down to anyone was on his knees bonding his mates hands looking apoplectic

"I'm sorry for scathing you cub I dont ever want you to be afraid of me okay" mew spoke softly and gulf nodded his head confused onto what happened to mew

"I have a split personality disorder it happened a few years after you left and we couldn't find you, basically when midnight hits my body now belongs to bour my.... Other half from 12 to 5 in the morning my body becomes bours" mew looked down softly kissing gulfs scars hands as he spoke

"What's a... split personality" gulf asked lowly which made mew smile that he was talking before he cleared his throat turning gulfs hand on his palm resting it against his cheek he was about to speak when mild did

"A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states, basically it's his body with two different people bour was created a few years after you left mew started to go crazy killing wanting to find you that's why bour is so crazy bour wants blood he hates you for leaving he's shut down all his emotion so now he doesn't even care about you... he's had bour for 6 years now we always lock him up before midnight but today was... different" mild spoke slow and soft so gulf could understand and by the time he finished a soft sob came from gulf causing mews eyes to open instantly

"Shhh don't cry cub what's wrong" mew said cupping gulfs face wiping his tears

"Y-you like t-this.. cause of me" gulf asked without even thinking mew frowned

"Of course not baby it's not you na it's whatever took you" mew said trying to control his anger as he spoke of those whoever they are that took him, his mate, the love of his life, his baby cub, Gulf continued to cry for a few more minutes until he finally calmed down

"S-sorry" gulf said and mew smiled shaking his head kissing gulfs hands again

"You're fine baby are you tired" he asked and gulf shook his head

"M-me sleep all day" he said before looking at mew biting his bottom lips he wanted to ask something but didn't know if it was allowed

"What's wrong" mew asked noticing gulfs behavior

"M-me hungry a-and wan.... White slurpy things" he mumbled shyly scared mew would say no

Mew chuckled and looked towards mild who was eating some of the left over lunch

"I'll go get him some" mild said smiling a bit and mew nodded his head thanking mild before mild left the room

"Don't be afraid to ask me anything cub" mew said and gulf nodded slowly before leaning down hugging mew holding him tightly mew smiled and stood up before sitting on the couch with gulf on his lap

Gulf couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto his lips but it suddenly disappeared as he thought of something

"Can b-bour g-go'way" he asked and mew smiled patting gulfs head

"I'm not sure baby maybe maybe not we'll figure it out though" he kissed gulfs forehead and gulf snuggled more into mew holding him even tighter both waiting for mild to return

When mild did return he went back to his room while mew went to the small table in his room sitting down he was about to let gulf sit on his lap but gulf shook his head pointing to the chair

Mew looked a bit shocked but sat gulf in the seat beside him, Mew was also about to lift the fork but gulf shook his head again and moved the fork away picking up a piece of steak with his hands eating it

"No baby it's okay I'll feed you" mew said and gulf pouted shaking his hand holding mews hand with his free one mew sighed and sat back watching as gulf lifted the fork trying to pick up the noodle which fell right through the holes he frowned

Mew chuckled a bit and grabbed gulfs hands teaching him how to twist the fork and grab the noodles once he got a hand of it he smiled happily and ate occasionally feeding mew who was also hungry as he only ate what gulf ate which was lunch

Afterwards mew helped wipe gulfs body off and also helped him brush his teeth before laying gulf in his bed he held gulfs hand and hummed softly as he helped gulf sleep

Gulf went to sleep a few minutes after he laid down which allowed mew to take a shower and brush his teeth as well

As mew was putting his pajamas on he looked in the mirror moving his wet hair from his forehead and stared at himself in the slightly foggy mirror

"It seems you haven't lost all your humanity bour, you said you hated my mate so why did you run away when seeing him like that" he thought confused he couldn't remember anything bour did and vise Vera's so he wonders what gulf did to make him run away like he did

For the past 6 years since bour was first established he's never missed a switch day and he's always did crazy things this was the first time bour actually switched back voluntary

He was told he'd never get rid of bour but it seems bour got rid of himself in a deep situation as fast as sonic

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