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3rd person POV

"Alec (Alexander)... Magnus.... Techno.... And lucky- excuse me luck" mew said pointing to each person as he said there name

At this point mild wasn't waking up but mew had woken up with a few shakes and calls of his name, as he awoke he asked everyone to tell him about them like what they are alpha omega or beta and there names

He knows Alexander is an alpha a dominant one at that he reminds mew of himself a lot he keeps his eyes on Magnus even if the male stands to shake his sleeping foot off

Magnus on the other hand was something they called a warlock, they both came from Brooklyn in the USA but they did know Korean Japanese and Thai language so they came here prepared

Magnus basically has the powers gulf had he is the high warlock of Brooklyn where they live and he was here to teach gulf a few things but type did explain gulfs heat would come soon so he was just waiting until the boy was finished and healed after his heat

Magnus was also human like lucky who was the fated mate of techno who had only been soft with lucky

"He's nesting" Alexander suddenly spoke looking at mew confusing him

"Huh" mew asked

"Your mate was nesting so when you go up there make sure to ask for permission before entering the room when he awakes and also make sure you ask permission before touching the bed or any of your clothes he took for his nesting even though Magnus is human he does the same so I assume it's even worse for an actually omega plus a war- excuse me Okilas" Alexander spoke and mew nodded taking in the information

His parents died when he was a younger kid they didn't get to teach him about the basics of mates or heats or even his rut only from what the doctor has told him is what he knows

"How come you aren't affected" mew asked he knew Alexander was an alpha but it was like he didn't even smell gulf when they were upstairs

"Magnus covered the room for his scent won't come out plus I've been trained with thousands of omegas scents not to give in to it" Alexander said and mew nodded in response

"You did that on purpose Alec" Magnus suddenly spoke glaring at the taller male who paid him no mind

"Oh my fuc- someone please tell him the glitter makes him cute" Magnus yells and just then mild woke up looking at Alexander

"The glitter is raw dude" he smiled before laying back down this time just falling asleep making all laugh before a thud came from upstairs

Mew stood up getting ready to leave and just then he heard Magnus snap and everyone was gone even the sleeping mild

Mew cautiously made his way upstairs before walking down the hall standing right in front of his room door, putting his hand in the door job he twisted it and pushed the door open still standing outside he remembers Alexanders words

"Your mate was nesting so when you go up there make sure to ask for permission before entering the room when he awakes and also make sure you ask permission before touching the bed or any of you clothes he took for his nesting" he cleared his throat before looking at gulf who had on mews hoodies and mew could have sworn his whole wardrobe was surrounded by the omega who's face was covered with mews night shirt

"Baby... can I come in" mew asked softly not getting a response he assumes gulf was sleeping

He thought of walking inside but then he remembers a book he read about omegas that tharn and type gave him

It stated with what Alexander said as well as another page repeating what Alexander had told him, they said to never bother an omega when they were nesting especially with there alphas clothing, omegas worked hard on there nesting especially since there bodies feel weak and mew could tell gulf did a lot since there were hundreds of clothes around him

Mew decided on sitting outside it was only about 6 in the morning when he looked at the clock on the wall, he closed his eyes when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder

His eyes widened as he was lifted up by gulf and dragged towards the bed

"W-wait how did you become so strong-" he stopped talking as he was tossed into the bed in the middle of his clothing before gulf climbed on top of him resting his head in mews neck

Mew laid there shocked for a second while gulf purred slightly rubbing his nose on mews scent gland, Mew finally wrapped his arms around gulf causing gulf to whimper snuggling into mew even more

"You okay gulfie" mew asked but he didn't get a response only a soft snore making him smile

Shifting slightly removing some clothes from under himself he heard gulf growl he stopped falling into his hands scolding himself for moving gulfs nest around

"Im sorry cub I don't mean to... you worked hard on this didn't you your alpha is sorry baby" mew whispered and gulf whispered softly rubbing his forehead in mews neck scenting him

Praises mew reminded himself to give gulf praises throughout his heat he seemed to calm down and like those

"Am I pretty mew" gulf suddenly asked as mew fixed his arm placing it gulfs lower back rubbing it soothingly

"Yes baby beautiful the most gorgeous human in the galaxy" mew smiled kissing gulfs forehead, don't get him wrong gulfs scent was driving him crazy he was glad he wasn't in his rut or anything he doesn't know what he would do

He didn't want to just have sex with gulf because of gulfs heat he wanted gulf to confirm it whether he wanted to or not mew would support his decision

"I'm hot... it's bothering me and my boxers are wet and sticky" gulf whined snuggling into mews neck slightly embarrassed at this new feeling

"You wanna shower baby I can get it ready for you" mew said ready to get up but gulf stopped him

"No... that's okay I just want you to hold me, I don't feel well and I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this heat stuff.... I'm tried I haven't slept all night because I'm uncomfortable, why can't bours go away" gulf asked and mew could feel a few tears drip into his neck

"We'll figure it out cub soon enough bours will be gone na and I will stay with you all night" Mew said and gulf purred just thinking about it making mew smile

"Can you take your shirt off" gulf whispered and mew nodded instantly he sat up before separating them to taking the black T-shirt he had on off he noticed gulf unbuttoned the silks buttoned down shirt, he didn't even see gulf take the hoodie off

Just as mew took the shirt off gulf grabbed it and set it next to one of mews hoodies on the bed before he hugged mew skin on skin sighing in content and ecstasy at the giddy feeling in his stomach at heart

"I'm tired but I feel itchy inside" gulf whined his face beet red as he spoke

"That's okay baby it's normal we can deal with the itchiness later for now sleep okay" mew kissed gulfs temple feeling gulf nod his head

"Will you mark me mew" gulf suddenly asked

"Only if you want me to" mew responded immediately and gulf nodded in response

No one else spoke the next five minutes before mew heard gulfs soft snores against his neck he smiled rubbing gulfs back gently staring at the ceiling trying to calm himself down and he shifted gulf upwards and off his boner

Just the thought of marking gulf drove mew to another dimension, he would love to fully make gulf his have them communicate from afar just to be connected with his omega was a dream come true

He also knew that an omega marking there alpha showed a sign of weakness but even so mew would loved to be marked by gulf and proudly show off the marking sign, he didn't care what others said as long as he and gulf were fully mated he was 100 okay with everything

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