New Companions

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3rd person POV

"How is he now" mew asked as mild unlocked the door now at 5 am

"He's been sleeping since we gave him the medicine his skin is really hot and his scent is making some of the alpha have to leave I even had to sedate one" mild explained and mew sighed

"By sedate what do you mean" mew asked and mild face made a small smirk

"No need to that alpha you need to be with your mate so when he wakes up we can have a little gulfie running around soon" mild teased making mew hit the side of his head embarrassed

"Is everyone escorted out or only alphas" mew asked and mild shook his head

"There's an alpha who seems he isn't affected by anything he's the one who saved gulf when I was asleep" mild said

"I thought I told you I wasn't an alpha" a voice was heard making mew and mild turn seeing the man in a mask and all black

"Then how-"

"I'm techno, my alpha tharn and luna type sent me to help out if you need any help I hope you don't mind I brought my mate" he said while taking the mask off reviewing his face which was the same as milds

"I'm techno, my alpha tharn and luna type sent me to help out if you need any help I hope you don't mind I brought my mate" he said while taking the mask off reviewing his face which was the same as milds

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Mild gasped looking at mew then at techno then at the mirror beside him in the wall

"Mew.... Do you see that or am I dreaming" mild asked and techno kept a straight face the whole time while mew chuckled, Mild glanced at techno once more before mew had to catch the boy who suddenly passed out due to shock 

Mew sighed before helping mild towards the living room techno behind him as he laid him on the couch

"Mild" he shook his shoulder causing mild to shift

"Mild" mew spoke a little louder shaking him even more, mild shifted again almost as if he was glitching causing mew to huff before sending a hard slap to milds face awaking the man who held his hands up standing in front of mew

"Where's the danger" he slurred before seeing techno he screamed and was ready to pass out once again but techno slapped him grabbing his shirt keeping him up from falling

"Wake up idiot quit playing around" techno said and mild instantly sat up straight his hand on his head

"Sir yes sir" he said and mew held back a chuckle

"You go on help luna alpha, you come with me there's a few alphas who need to be taken to the hospital not here" he stated and mew raised a eyebrow

"Problem alpha" techno asked seeing mews face he didn't want to offend the alpha by any means he was just a work first okay latter type of person which mew could sense, techno also knew how painful an omegas heat can be especially when he has an omega himself

"Nothing your just different than mild" mew gave a soft smile and techno nodded

"Hoi what do you mean he isn't better than me I even look bett-"

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