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3rd person POV

"Are they normally this disrespectful" tharn asked as he stared at mews pack as they argued around when mew tried speaking

"Yeah It's mostly my fault for not paying attention after all these years" mew sighed and tharn nodded his head

"He's still with you Huh" tharn muttered a bit still looking at everyone making mew look at him but
before he could speak tharn did again

"How old are you" tharn asked and mew sighed

"26 years old" mew said and tharn chuckled

"Give it a few years maybe 2 you'll be good after that until then let's solve this pack issue eh" he said and mew nodded his head

Tharn smiled and stood in the chair clapping his hands loudly catching everyone attention

"Hello everyone I am Tharn Kirigun and your new nightmare while I'm here" tharn smiled happily while mew let out a small laugh

"Who the fuck are you prick" one said and tharns smile instantly dropped, To stop himself from killing one of mews pack member he took a deep breath

"Yikes by that mouth I can tell that even my omega wife could out race you" tharn made a yikes face while everyone let out a small 'ooo'

"Fuck your wife go get I bet I'll bet that sl-"

"That's crossing the line little boy how about this if my wife beats you in a race then I get to beat your ass in a fight" tharn smiled and the boy stood up smirking

"Deal" he said and tharn chuckled

"You are one bold bastard" he said before stepping down from the chair and walking towards the kitchen where type and gulf were

"Uh you right you're mine I need help wifey" tharn stared at type smiling making type stop feeding gulf and raise an eyebrow

"With what love" he asked and tharn smiled clasping his hands together

"I need you to race someone"


"On your mark...... get set..... go" a brown smaller wolf and huge white wolf began to run and soon disappearing into the forest only for a few seconds later the wife wolf to come back and the brown a couple minutes later

Type shifted only to be in the clothes he had once he came here, he used his magic so that when he and tharn shifted they couldn't be naked

As soon as gulf started to dust his clothes off he heard a growl come from the wolf he just beat

"My turn" than said taking his suit jacket off, he went to unbutton his button down shirt when type slapped his hands

"That should be enough right" type forced a smile while tharn chuckled

"Of course now we do this human or wolf Greg" tharn tiled his head as the wolf growled before shifting making all turn

"What the fuck I'm even bigger than him" type mumbled shocked before tharn laughed covering his eyes

They all heard shuffling before a bag was dropped something all turn to see he was now dressed in some black clothing

"Human... and it's Gray not Greg" he said and before tharn could say a snarky remark back he lunged towards him making tharn move himself and type who was tempted to use his powers

"Ah that's not fair Greg" tharn hissed blocking every hit gray tried to hit him with moving his head left and right until finally he decided to send a big body shot to grays ribs shattering almost all of them

Gray instantly stopped moving as a pool of blood came from his mouth and a loud howl of pain was heard as he dropped to his knees

"Really a body shot and your down mew we seriously need to help you and this pack it's ridiculous" tharn shook his head putting his suit jacket back on

Mew called some people to get medical for gray while tharn stood on the big rock around everyone

"So training starts now I'll be your alphas replacement until I leave and he helps his mate deal awww good talk everyone we'll start running in 5" tharn said and no one dare make any sounds of disagreement towards the smiling man

Type scoffed shaking his head before going back inside seeing gulf was still inside the kitchen were mew told him to stay

"Right little guy where we're we" type asked and gulf looked at him confused before his eyes widened as he remembered

"You tell me about powers that I might have but me don't" gulf spoke confused still trying to use whatever powers that type spoke of

"Understand baby it doesn't just happen we need to have a purpose... the first time I've used mine was when my husbands other half tried to kill him" type said and gulfs eyes widened

"M-me too but I don't remember what happened only that I saved him" gulf said with wide eyes making type smile

This really is the same type thought with a smile looking at gulf

"The second time was when someone told me my husband died I went crazy only to find out he just got into a small accident and cut his finger trying to cook my favorite dinner"

"Is it steak and white noodles" gulf asked confused as type nodded smiling

"Hm the third time was when I started training"

"For what phi" gulf asked confused

"For war"

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