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3rd person POV

Tharns head bobbled back and fourth as he tried to stay awake but failed miserably, type smiled a bit sighed as he sat beside tharn on the floor his head falling right on types shoulder awaking the alpha

"Gulf back in the room" he asked and type nodded humming slightly placing his hand on tharns cheek shoving his face gently back on his shoulder while both looked towards the door where they could hear banging

"He's just like Fable" type spoke softly as tharn let out a small chuckle tiredly snuggling into gulfs shoulder

"Hm he brought so much pain" tharn sighed as now it was type to chuckle and agree

"How long you been out here" type asked and tharn licking his dry lips before grabbing the water bottle beside him

"Since 12 when it started, gulf came after" tharn stated and type nodded

"You scared" type asked as tharn finished drinking his water then laying his head back on types shoulder

"No.... More concerned, you saw how much fable almost broke me, us, I'm scared that whoever mew has it'll break him completely he's different than me he's softer you should have saw how sad he got when his pack HIS pack didn't care about anything he said or tried to say" tharn spoke softly tucking his lips in as he finished speaking

"I was different apart of me was like fable I was meaner, rude, I didn't care about anyone not even my own beta or siblings even when you returned mews the opposite despite being depressed sad angry he still has a soft spot for everyone in his pack" tharn explained and type hummed nodding

"That's why we're here right baby, we help them then live the rest of our old lives na" type kissed tharns forehead both blocking out the ponding sounds coming from the silver door in front of them

Tharn smiled wrapping his arms around types waist bringing him closer making type wrap his arms around tharns shoulder hugging him back both staying there for a while in silence minus the banging noises 😂 (I just had to add the last part)

"What about you, are you gonna tell him who it was" tharn asked and type sighed

"I don't know I saw him talk about them earlier and didn't have the heart to but I also don't want him to be broken once he sees who it is it was hard for you to chose it'll be harder for him.... Your talking about me when it was your p-"Type got cut off by a loud banging noise before the handle to the door broke

Both stood up type used his magic to put a border around tharn, himself and now bours who was standing by the door which he shoved open smirking

"And you are" he asked looking at tharn and type

"He's definitely more difficult than fable I believe" tharn said staring at bours who looked slightly confused for a second before it was replaced with his signature smirk

"Are you even real" he shoved tharn shoulder making tharn let out a scoffy laugh before raising his right hand sending a hard blow to bours face making bours face fall and his eyes went from black to red then yellow back to brown before a confused mew showed up holding his paining face

"What the fuck"


"Sorry son it was needed" tharn said holding the ice on mews face making mew roll his eyes

"We're literally the same person and how did you punch me back" mew asked again

"Well you know me and type went through everything you did.... You have bours i believe while I had fable one time types told me fable spoke of our unborn child without thinking his motherly instincts came out and he punched me.... Hard and I suddenly switched" tharn explained and mew nodded confused

"Wait we have children" mew asked and tharn laughed a bit

"7 to be exact" tharn said and mew smiled a bit

"Eh was the mating painful" mew asked looking up at tharn who smiled

"You'll have to find out yourself son" tharn pinched mews nose which had stopped bleeding a few minutes ago

Mew rolled his eyes as he took the ice pack from tharn holding it on his face while tharn laughed walking towards type who was resting on the couch

Mew rubbed his aching nose when suddenly he saw a crying gulf running right past him screaming everyone find mew he needs to be found

Mew held back his laughter and hid behind the counter as milds voice was heard asking everyone up telling everyone grab something shoes there going hunting

Mew hid more behind the counter seeing almost his whole pack running even tharn and type who saw mew and winked

The whole pack stood outside while tharn ordered them to go around the forest looking for there alpha

Both tharn and type knew what was coming Mew didn't though, and even though it would hurt mew, it was a faze they needed to pass in order to help gulf with his powers

Mew back up a little more accidentally bumping into a counter his smile dropped as a huge wave a pain hit him and he looked down at his hand which had a knife sticking out of it

To Be Continued

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