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3rd person POV

"HE WHAT" gulf screamed as he stood outside the hospital ward of the packs house

"I-I'm sorry luna he was stabbed the wounding is bad we don't know if-"

"I-I can help let me help t-type said I have h-healing thingys" gulfs words started to overlap and uncontrollably his eyes went light blue as blue and black whirls came from his hands

"And there it is" type mumbled to himself before going towards gulf grabbing his hands before placing his own directly on top of gulfs before his own magic appears, Clashing his and gulf hands together he then used both of there powers synchronizi...

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"And there it is" type mumbled to himself before going towards gulf grabbing his hands before placing his own directly on top of gulfs before his own magic appears, Clashing his and gulf hands together he then used both of there powers synchronizing them before pulling there hands apart and a ball of blue whirls floated towards mews room

"What" gulf sniffled confused as type smiled

"Do this now" type snapped his finger and gulf sniffled again as type wiped his tears he snapped his finger before the door to mews hospital room opened tharn came out

"It worked" he smiled and type nodded smiling back softly before wiping the rest of gulfs tears

"Okay little one don't cry anymore it's okay mew is totally fine" type said and gulf sniffled looking at type with big doe teary eyes

"R-really" he asked and type smiled nodding his head gulf sniffled again and without another word shuffled inside the room where mew was

"Y-you scared me" he cried screaming as he saw mew sitting up on the bed with a wrapped up hand

"Shit, don't cry love it's fine I'm okay" mew smiled wiping his tears as he pulled gulf onto his lap on the bed

"Don't do that" gulf gasped tears still streaming down his face as he now looked at mews hand uncontrollably healing it which tharn spoke about just before gulf came in

It hurt... really bad, it was like putting your hand in fire but tharn said it'll only hurt for a second try not to react so mew didn't his best

"Ahh it's fine now pup look" mew cupped gulfs face before taking off the wrap on his hand gulfs eyes watched intensely to see if mew was lying, he wanted to stop him but a part of him was hoping mew was okay

As soon as mew was finished gulf took mews hand into both of his carefully only to see nothing not even a scratch

"Th-then what happened t-they said you got stabbed" gulf sniffled wiping his eyes with one hand and the other one holding mews still gentle like as if he would break if he held it any other way

"You did baby see you healed me" mew spoke softly making gulf confused

"But I didnt-" he got cut off by mew ripping the IV out of his arm a small hole there and blood coming out making gulf gasp as he instantly covered his arm trying to stop the blood but nothing came out or through his fingers

Gulf pulled away with shaky hands only to see nothing was there as if the IV wasn't just yanked out at all

"See" mew kissed gulfs forehead as gulf sniffled still not understanding

"S-so that mean what p-p'type said is true" he asked and mew smiled nodding his head humming in response, Gulf shifted on mews lap turning to get comfortable before laying his head in mews chest

"Don't scare m-me again please" he pleaded and mew nodded rubbing his back leaning back against the hospital bed

"I won't sorry for scaring you pup" mew whispered soothingly kissing gulfs forehead rubbing his back slowly


7 Hours Later

"It's really not that serious love you might hurt yourself doing that" mew hissed as gulf hit the punching bag again before huffing trying to control his breathing

"This is serious they're trying to take you away" gulf said before going back to his training

"That's not what they said darling tharn sa-" mew tried to say but was cut off

"No no no he said they'll try and take you away so I need to be stronger right I need to beat mean people so that they won't take you" gulf spoke in between breaths as he picked up the jump rope and began to start jump roping

"Love they said they might try plus we don't even know who they are yet" mew defended again watching gulf who ignoring him

"That's a hard might" gulf said and mew sighed

"Okay that's enough we've bee in here for almost an hour" mew said, gulf saw mew get up making him run and jump rope at the same time making mew scoff and chase him making gulf giggle

"You can't do both" mew laughed as he chased gulf around the training room it wasn't until 10 minutes later when both fell where they stood tiredly

"I need some more stamina" gulf huffed not seeing mew slowly crawling towards him until he started to tickle him

Gulf laughing trying to push mew away but he didn't mew smiled as he slid in between gulfs legs ticking him even more until someone came inside, and Not just someone the whole pack they all wanted to work out before meeting tharn for there daily run which everyone hated especially since tharn ran too fast

Mew and gulf looked up to see everyone staring at them some with wide eyes other smirking making them confused until they look down at each other seeing the position they were in mew stood up immediately and gulf scrambled behind the weights making mew stare a him with wide eyes

He left mew to explain everything, by himself all that protection stuff was just bull crap

"Ahh haha it wasn't like that guys we were just playing running around getting a workout in" mew laughed a bit rubbing the back of his head

"In jeans" one asked confused

"Ah..... they say jeans... jeans-" mew looked at gulf again before running out the back door now leaving gulf by himself

"Luna" one called out making gulf slowly come from behind the weights smiling looking towards the door mew ran out of he made a run for it only to fall because of the jump rope tied to his ankle and knotted on the weight bench

"Darn jump rope" gulf huffed as people began to held him un tie it

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