A Test

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Double update because..... I wanna keep my life 🤡👀

3rd person POV

"You had one job one I specifically told you wait I said wait I knew it I fucking knew it" mild screamed as gulf sat on the couch his face down as he stared at his lap

"I-I'm sorry h-he was hurting and-and I-"

"He's a wolf he will heal within 3 hours bours hurts mews body on purpose thinking we'll give in but we never do I knew I shouldn't have listened to you guys and ate that fucking food" mild walked back and fourth

"Calm down mild you can't talk to him like that he's the lun-"

"And our Luna almost died because of you guys and this fucking test" mild roared loudly causing all to flinch if the alpha was out his beta did have the power of the pack to keep everyone safe while he was away for anything

"You don't understand he was my responsibility he was under my care I swore to protect him and this pack which means bour is never to be let out of that fucking caged up room for everyone's protection especially the to the person alpha wars to protect the most and you guys-" mild stopped for a second and scoffed

"You guys told him I said to hold the key you came inside my room you put sleeping pills inside of my food and drink do you know how dangerous that was if it wasn't for my wolf HE WOULD HAVE DIED I COULD HAVE DIED IF GULF DIDNT PUT HIMSELF IN HARMS WAY MY HEAD WOULD HAVE BEEN ROLLING" mild shouted and everyone flinched at every word

"It was just a test to see if he would open it and to see if he could help mew" Becky's voice was small which made mild scoff

"No disrespect princess and I mean no disrespect whatsoever but this fucking plan you guys had was dumb and it almost took the life of someone who you guys should cherish and help not throw him into the lions den because that's exactly what you guys did" mild stopped and took a deep breath trying to calm down

Just then they heard a whistle come from someone, they all turned and saw it was apo standing in the doorway holding a bloody mew in his arms, he had on pants and apos jacket while apo just wore his undershorts and his dress shirt

"He's heavier than it looks guys came on" he groaned out and mile went towards his mate fast taking his brother from apo

"What happened" mild asked seeing mews body was full of scratches, cuts, and scrapes

"Theres rouges up ahead they were attacking him I assumed he passed out from running because he was far I went to look for him a few minutes ago" apo said and mild groaned

"Fuck" he shouted his hand going straight through the wall angrily

"I need every alpha and beta warrior outside now" mild screamed and apo started to mindlink everyone while going outside going to the border to see if the rouges were still there

"What do you need from us" tong asked and mild looked at him for a second holding in the smart words he was about to say

"Nothing sir nothing at all take your siblings beside mile and Jeff and go upstairs call the doctor bring Luna as well" mild said before running out the doorway which still was missing a door

Tong huffed but listened to milds words telling Jeff and mile what mild said before going upstairs with gulf and Becky

"He's got a lot of bumps here and there scratches on his arms claw marks on his torso and back and a few teeth marks on his legs his foot is broken and his face had a few bruises but other than that I'd say is 30 percent" the doctor tried to lighten the mood but it didn't work

"Luckily he's not in a coma" she tried again but still nothing only silence

"I'm sorry" gulf said still looking down tears falling into his lap as he sniffled

"It's our fault gulfie we thought you could help him again" tong rubbing his forehead and gulf sat there crying feeling sorry as well but couldn't voice it out

Mild came inside the room a few minutes later seeing everyone he ignored them and looked at mew

"Uh hey big guy why are you sleeping I have some big news to tell you so wake up soon and h-heal damn I'm stuttering haha but seriously this leader stuff is hard I don't wanna do it" mild said before he was mindlinked about the rouges being defeated

"I'll be there" mild responded before glancing at everyone again he couldn't help but feel disappointed yeah he was shocked that gulf helped mew the first time but he would never in his life think about putting his Lunas life at risk like that

Not only that but they tried to put him to sleep and he was tired as hell but even so he didn't give up on his Luna and fought until he couldn't

"Look at lunas arms please" mild told the doctor who nodded before mild left the room and outside of the house

2 Days Later

"Thank you sir have a nice day" mild said to the man who just fixed the metal door and house front door

"Mild there's been a request from the ocean pack they want to visit" apo spoke coming downstairs with his regular suit on

"Mild there's been a request from the ocean pack they want to visit" apo spoke coming downstairs with his regular suit on

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"Tell them we'll get back to them our alphas busy" mild sighed rubbing his forehead

Apo nodded and went to pick up the house phone again telling them what mild said before hanging up

"How you doing man" apo laughed lightly looking at mild who had dark circles under his eyes still had his pajamas on

"What do you think everyone's going fucking crazy I can only take 15 minute showers and 0 hours of sleep" mild complained and apo sighed a bit

"Then maybe it's the wrong time to say there another attack" apo said and mild looked at him causing apo to laugh

"Joking joking" he said and mild sighed in relief before there was a knock on the door

"A-are you busy" gulf asked

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