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3rd Person POV

"Gulfie baby come on" mew speaks softly lifting the now fully clothes omega who instantly wraps his arms around mews neck and legs around his waist tiredly 

It was now day four of guls heat, after the first time of mew helping gulf release he's been more calmer now less needy just needing to see mew and being around the alpha, needing to have the alpha in his vison at all times 

"good boy we gotta get that tummy to stop rumbling eh?"mew asks and gulfs smiles nodding his face in mews neck hugging his mate tighter 

Mew smiles feeling gulfs smile against his neck before holding onto gulfs thighs as he walks downstairs humming in gulfs ear the shorter closing his eyes softly to the tallers soft tunes 

"Sit here for me for a sec babes" mew sits gulf on the counter and gulf nods slowly watching mew with intense close eyes mew shivering at the stare he could feel yet not see as he proceeds to look into the cabinets and fridge for something easy and light for his mate to eat 

"We gotttttttt ramen, chicken salad,uhhh-"

"wrice" gulf mutters looking at the refrigerator door trying to stare a whole in it only relaxing once he sees mew pops up from behind it 

"what was that cub?" mew ask and gulf looks at him

"ahem make fried rice like-like last time please" gulf mumbles softly yet mew still hears him and smiles 

"Of course my love"


"You have every single hiding place around that pack house?" alec looks at his fighters as they nod shaking slightly one glancing at him as he puts his fingers through his hair angrily huffing 

" RULE 13" he shouts and all men stand straight 

"NEVER LIE TO CAP" they all scream and flinch when alec punches the desk a large crack now in the middle 

"ALEXANDER" he hears his husbands voice making him groan lifting his hand and right before he can smash his fist through the table a gust of wind stops his and he sees his husband using his power to stop him as well as repairing the table 

"dont magnus not today the-" 

"they need a lesson of love not screaming and anger alexander" magnus cut him off with a knowing look 

"NO i asked one fucking thing ONE" alec groans frustratingly and magnus dismisses the men they rush out scared 

"Sit" magnus demands and alec flops in his chair a scowl on his face 

"Whats your problem" magnus speaks leaning against the table in front of his lover 

"You always do this maggie, i asked them one thing they act like i cant feel there emotions a man should not fear-"

"Oh? do you not fear alec" magnus asks and alec instantly looks up frowning 

"alexander" alec says and magnus keeps a straight face knowing alec loved when he called him his full name and not his nickname 

"i asked you a question, you are a man do you not fear?" magnus speaks staring at his husband who frowns when his request is ignored 

"you know what i fear maggie" alecs frowns deepens at the thought of it and magnus sighs grabbing ahold of the tallers face forcing him to look up from where he sat

"im sorry alexander, i didnt mean for you to think of it i just want you to be opened minded that everyone has fears and feelings screaming at you didnt make your fears better and same with them" magnus leans down placing a small peck on the side of his alphas lips doing the same thing to the other side then finally placing a quick peck directly on his lips before doing this plenty more time until the man smiled peaked through his cheeks being squashed as magnus still held his face smushed together 


"You sure you okay bub" mew asks as he and gulf lays down staring at mew as he nods, he wasnt okay not at all, although he kept his composure the urge to mark mew as his was strong he so badly wanted to see his mark on the tallers neck and claim him as his alpha officially 

Mew for some reason couldnt understand gulf body language or inner feelings, due to them not being fully mated or not sharing any type of bonding affection such as sex they dont really feel each other soul tied 

Mew wanted to know what gulf was feeling he wanted to take the pain that he knew the shorter was experiencing and pt it all on himself, he would see the trembles gulfs body gave off or the grunts gulf made every once in a while from the stabbing pain in his stomach 

Yet gulf just told mew he was fine and okay and that the pain was at a minimum, mew didnt wanna push his omega any further in questioning him about the pain not wanting to annoy him 

He also blocked his scent somehow so mew wasnt affected by anything, mew was confused on how an omega could hold such power as himself but he didnt double think it

He knew gulf had some type of power no one not even himself held only thing was was it good or bad?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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