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3rd person POV

1 Hour Later

"All I can say alpha is that your mate is quite..... special from what your telling he has developed powers you don't know when but tonight you saw them" the doctor asked and mew nodded his head walking back and fourth in the hospital room trying to take in the information the doctor is telling him

"Look I don't know what it is but if you let us test him and use him-"

"You not using my mate a a test dummy he's not a rat that you can try different cancers on" mew growled loudly causing the doctor to flinch

"S-sorry alpha I-I just wanted to see w-what he was m-maybe there's other we ca h-help if you allow us to test some test on him and-and-"

"Hell no fuck no I would never risk his life for anyone else not even my own" mew roared causing gulf to shift from the loud voices

Mew took a few deep breaths trying to calm down so he wouldn't wake his mate up, he released his calming hormones which helped gulf sleep even better than before as he held into mews suit jacket which was over his shoulders he wouldn't let it go after mew drove him to the hospital

"You know what I shoulda went home I have my own doctor" mew said making the doctor instantly hold his hands up

"W-were trying to help h-him" he said and mew scoffed moving the doctor before grabbing gulfs things he handed it to the bodyguard who was inside the room before gently lifting gulf up bridal style ignoring the doctor pleas for him to test gulf

After making sure gulf didn't awake he then made his way out of the hospital and towards the car where he and gulf got in the back and the driver wen to there destinations which was there home

The whole ride mew was thinking about how gulf actually had powers, but not only that how did bours get out was it because he hadn't thought about him much he doesn't understand this switch stuff anymore

As they arrived home the bodyguards led him inside while he carried gulf and they carried there things mew went straight to the hospital unit in his mansion before explained everything that happened

"This is.... Alpha have you ever heard of Okilas" she asked and mew instantly shook his head

(A/N it's a word I came up with 🤦🏽)

"Ahh figures the species died over thousands of years ago it only happened with omegas, female but there was one who was male they tortured him everyday because they didn't except his race his name was Type, Type Thiwat he was the strongest omega in history because of his powers and just like gulf he had a mate Tharn Kirigun.... The two went to war for type and was successfully they became the top of kings and queens in our time for mates period.... To this day there actually alive there half vampire both of them so they don't age past 30" the doctor explained and mew slowly nodded before he could speak the doctor spoke again

"Actually not being weird or anything but you two are perfect replicants of the two" she smiled softly as she set her chart down

"Do you mind.." she asked holding her hands towards gulf making mew hesitantly nod she placed her hand on gulfs neck chewing his pulse

"He's calmed down now, do you think he knew about his powers what was his reaction after he saved you" she asked

"He kept saying he didn't know he didn't know and he that he was sorry until he passed out" mew sighed holding his hair up

"So he doesn't know, well in the morning we'll try and explain it but now he needs rest he's growing a fever" she said and mew nodded his head she gave gulf his medicine and told Mew give him lots of water

"What time is it" mew asked and she looked on her watch as mew lost his somewhere

"12:08 alpha" she smiled as mew eyes widened

"What b-but I haven't switched" he said as he took her hand looking at her watch

"Bours will only come once a day and that time has ended already alpha have a nice night" she smiled before walking out leaving mew shocked

"Does that mean I can stay I CAN STAY" mew asked following go the doctor who laughed

"Yes alpha your free for tonight" she said and mew smiled widely before he felt a tug on his hand

Turning he saw gulf looking at him tiredly with a happy expression

"Phi stay tonight no bours" he asked and mew smiled nodding his head

"Yes baby no bours tonight but your sick love go lay down while I get ready for bed" mew couldn't control his smile

He actually gets to stay with his baby tonight he doesn't know what to say this would truly be a night he wouldn't forget it might as well be a holiday now

Mew took a shower before changing into his pajamas gulf did the same allowing me to wipe his body down and change him into his pajamas before both laid in bed

Gulf fell asleep easily finally happy he could hug his mate to bed while mew stayed up a little longer admiring his mate until he also felt sleepy, the minute he closed eyes his eyes felt the light switch in and gulf was yanked from his arms 

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