Chapter 1

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Westeros. The Lannister army among other noble houses got rid of the Targaryen's, what people thought just three children but there was more Targaryen children out there. With the help of the Lannisters a new king was crowned, Robert Baratheon was made into the king of all seven kingdoms. And his Queen wanted by Lord Jon Arryn, stating that Robert will need Tywin Lannister on his side. So Robert Baratheon married her in king's landing, though he did not want to. He wanted Lyanna Stark, the one he was supposed to marry but she was taken by Rhaegar Targaryen. She later died from childbirth and the same for Rhaegar Targaryen where he was killed by Robert Baratheon.

But many others told Robert Baratheon he needed to move on and make a dynasty for all. And that is what he did. But nothing changed in his heart, he wanted Lyanna Stark. King's Landing was full of the Lannisters, Cersei had her sisters with her as her ladies in waiting but Cersei did not care about them. She only cared for Jamie, her twin. For Victoria, she hates her older sister with a passion that she is making plans on how to kill her but she was stuck on the Rock.

To everyone in King's Landing and the other seven kingdoms it was believed that she has four children with the king but no those children belong to her twin brother Jamie Lannister, a member of the King's guard.

For Robert Baratheon was too drunk to know and or he did not care about it. He just kept drinking away his pain of everyday life along with sleeping with every woman in king's landing, not caring about his duty as King. The hand of the king, Lord Arryn worked as the hand for many years, cleaning up Robert's messes everywhere he went. Until one day, on mild warm day Lord Jon Arryn was found died in the tower of the hand, where maester pycelle said that he died from a fever. So that word spread, now Robert lost someone very close to him, and now Robert will need to chose another hand to help him rule. And that is the one and only Lord Eddard Stark.

Robert called a meeting of the small council to let all know that himself and his guard along with his family were traveling to the north to make Eddard Stark the new hand of the king. So a raven was sent to the north so the Starks will know what has happened and what will happen.


In the North Eddard was watching his sons practicing with their arrows and bow, and bran was not getting the target but he kept trying. But ser Rodrick got Eddard's attention that they got a brother of the night's watch that left his post and that is bought on by death. While the girls were inside learning how to be a ladies, well some were. Arya was practicing her arrow and bow and Sansa was in her own world. While another ward of Lord Stark was looking outside wanting to fight but she can not do that is front of Lady Stark. The other ward is a lady in her own right, Eddard Stark saved her when she was a small child from dorne, from the house of Cole. Her name is Celeste Cole and she is stunning. Another jewel of the north that Eddard Stark had in his house hold.

Eddard left when Rodrick told him about the member of the night leaving his post she looks down and she sees Jon putting the arrows back, Jon looks up sees Lady Stark looking at him. She breaks out a smile towards him and he smiles back towards her, going back to what he was doing with Robb and RIckon.

Later all of the men joyed Eddard Stark to killing of the member of the night's watch and they head back home but came across direwolves, where all of the pups are taken back home and the Stark children got their own direwolf. Ned was cleaning his sword, ice in the godswood when lady stark came with a raven. She had to break the news about Jon Arryn and that the king is coming to the north with the whole court.

" There is only one thing he wants if he is coming this far" Ned said

" You can always say no Ned."


" Make sure there is enough candles in Lord Tyrion chamber and we need 4 more barrels of wine for the feast" lady stark said to Maester luwin as they are passing through the halls of the castle.

" Yes my lady" He said back

As they move outside Lady Stark saw her son, bran climbing the walls of the castle.

" Brandon! Get down from there!"

" I saw the King. He has so many people with him".

" Promise me no more climbing" Lady Stark said to her son

" I promise " But Bran lied and his mother caught it.

" You know what."

" What?"

" I know when you lie, you look at your feet before you lie. Go find your father, tell the king is close'.

Bran ran off to look for his father. And Bran told him that the king is close so Eddard had everyone move to the front. In no time Robert Baratheon come into the castle of Winterfell, all bowed down to Robert. It was a change for the northers, seeing all of these southern knights and ladies in the north. The carriage that had the Queen and the younger children came out and Arya was naming each lannisters that was getting Sansa mad, while Sansa was looking at Prince Joffrey with love in her eyes.

Robert and Eddard greeted each other with jokes and Cersei came over to the Starks where she was greeted as a Queen but she just had this coldness about her and all saw it. Where this time in the north between the Stark and the royal family will test the lines and begin the story for everyone that will play their part on getting a step closer to the throne or farther back from the throne.

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