Chapter 3

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In King's Landing Joffrey Baratheon is causing terror over everyone in the capital. For Sansa, she was stuck in a nightmare that was never ending.

All she wanted was to leave king's landing and to return to home. But no, Joffrey had a watchful eye on her and the same for Cersei because they saw Sansa as the key to the north. While everywhere in the seven kingdoms were fighting. Stannis Baratheon was fighting for the throne with his red priestess and the lord of light.

With Renly Baratheon camped out with his army fighting his older brother with his wife on his side, for the time being. Lady Margaery Tyrell, a queen.

Adding the Greyjoys fighting for losing power that they never had. To the war of the five kings. Robb had enough letters from Sansa where Robb called all of the bannermen, where all of the northern houses starting to fight any southerns from king's landing. For months many battles had happened between the starks and the lannisters. Many wins and many loses on both sides. Tywin Lannister fought in these battles but he came to the ruins of castle harrenhal where months earlier lannister men came on a group in an area, that this group was heading to the wall. But the lannister men stopped them on the king's orders looking for a bastard of the late king Robert Baratheon.

Because Joffrey wanted all of the bastard children from Robert to be gone so no one call challenge him. Because deep down Joffrey knew who his parents really are but does not want to accept it at all.

So the lannister men took the remaining people from the group and took them to harrenhal to be questioned. One by one each was questioned with pain then they were murdered. The last bastard child of Robert Baratheon was about to be hurt until Tywin Lannsiter rode in and in short saved a Stark and an Baratheon.

During the time in Harrenhal Tywin Lannister found out that Arya was a girl and not a boy. He made her his cup bearer, Arya did her job well and no one knew who she was. For the prisoners that she saved a while back, one came in front of her, where he said that she owns three lives to the many face god as payment. In Harrenhal Arya gave Jaqen two names and he did the rest. 

" The girl has one more name left. She must name another so the many face god can have payment. Who is the third?" 

" Tywin Lannister" Arya said

Jaqen nodded his head leaving Arya standing in the ruins of Harrenhal. Moment later there was yelling coming from the room that Tywin Lannister was in. Arya ran inside to see Tywin Lannister dead in his chair, his throat was cut from ear to ear. Arya took gendry and hot pie and ran from harrenhal in the middle of the night. 

Word would travel on the death of the one feared man in the seven kingdoms was killed by an unknown person or a group. Cersei snapped when she heard the death of her father, where she believed that it was Tyrion, she will find anything to blame him. Since Tywin Lannister is dead, Cersei took more power from that. But Corvinius would not allow that and Joffrey is in the way of that as well. Corvinius is the head of Casterly Rock, Tywin made him as his heir since Jamie is in the king's guard. Cersei needed to keep Sansa in king's landing at any means as needed, her and little finger came up with the plan to have Sansa to marry Corvinius where a lannister will be born in the north, that the lannisters will control the north but Joffrey told his mother that she will be marrying Ser loras Tyrell after the wedding of Sansa and his uncle. 

Sansa was forced to marry Corvinius Lannister, her gown was gold like a lannister. There was an age difference between the two but Corvinius did not care about that. He was doing his duty as a lannister, and he did not care if he hurts Sansa.  And that is what happen, the wedding was good for a lord and lady of Casterly Rock, Joffrey was loving see Sansa all sad, he was looking forward hurting her more when it came to his own wedding. 

" Everyone, gather around it is time for the bedding ceremony" Joffrey cheered. 

Corvinius sttood up at his 6'1 height and walked to Sansa, he took her wrist and pulled her to their room. He closed the door looking at Sansa.

" How old are you?" 

" 14" 

He paused for a moment before talking. 

" I will not take you tonight but I will take you on your next name day. And there is nothing you can do to stop me. I will get what I want from you, you will give me an child, whether you like it or not. So sleep well wife, I will be looking forward to it, and if you push me I will make you pay, and I will take your maidenhood willing or not". 

Sansa stood there with tears in her eyes listening to every word he said. She was hoping that her brother will the war and she can go home. She wants her mother, her family but she was stuck. 


Celeste - 

" you were out for a while. You should eat, you will feel better" unknown man said having his back facing me. 

" Who are you?" I say

" Eat". he said back without looking at me. 

I rolled my eyes getting up from the ground, seeing that we were in the woods. Walking to the unknown man that was tending to the fire. He had medium long black hair, he looked very interesting.  I sat down by him where he handed me a bowl of food still not looking at me. Who is this guy? 

" I know that you confused but you need to trust me, just trust me" He said finally looking at me. 

" What is your name?" I say back wanting to know who this man is, Why did he save me? Did he save me from king's landing? Or did he hit me on my head? I want answers. 

" Criston. My name is Criston Cole." 

" Are you named after the kingmaker from the Targaryen era?" having a smile on my face thinking what a name to live up to. 

" No. I am the Criston Cole. Which for you are  my daughter". he said and I look at him like he is crazy. There is no way because Criston Cole died 130, there is no way. Can it? 

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