Chapter 9

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In king's landing everything is dark in the hour of the wolf. Cersei was with her brother, enjoying herself in the Queen's rooms. As she was enjoying herself both her and her brother were thinking of ways to get rid of Lady lefford, once they did, they would have complete control over Tommen and King's landing itself. But the one thing that they did not pay attention to is what is in the shadow, specially in king's landing. In the rooms something in the shadows moved as soundless as the wind of the night. Beside the sight wind of the night moving around the queen's rooms someone stuck out there head, seeing that it was Victoria lannister. The moon of the night slightly showed her moving around the room. She stepped closer to her brother and sister that disgusted her to her very core. Victoria moved close enough to be able to give the final blow to both of them. Victoria made sure that they suffered as well; she made sure that no trace of her would be found in the room nor in king's landing at all. 

" We can go straight into Blackwater bay, sailing right up to king's landing" One man said to Arthur.

" Or we can divide the forces up, making everything that we have come at all sides" Another man said. Celeste just stood and watched all play out in front of her.

 " That is a good idea, what do you think Lady Celeste" Arthur called out in the king's rooms of the ship

" I agreed with the second one. They will not have time to prepare for every single attack around king's landing. They would not expect it, most likely I think Tommen would give up the crown, especially that his mother is dead. The boy can think on his own." Celeste said

" Very good, I am the same. Tell the others to break off and go around" Arthur spoke. Celeste saw her father giving her an nod towards her, he was proud of the ways she was thinking for a siege.

 Arthur with his closest men along with Celeste and her father followed the king to markers points leading up to king's landing. In king's landing all saw that the targaryen army was coming and for Tommen he was out of his depth, he knew it adding to that he does want anyone to die from this. So he thought that the best way for all to live, including himself and his new wife, was to give up the crown.

" I am going to do something that maybe a lot of people will hate me for." Tommen said to his wife

" And what is that?" Blanche spoke back, having fear in her voice.

" I am going to give up my crown and my right as king. If I do that, me, you, all of them have a chance of surviving this and there will be no reason to have a battle that we will lose. They have more men than us, and the rumors of the dragons. What if they come? How will I save everyone here in the capital? You mean the world to me, I can not bear the thought of losing you. We can have a new life, making something of ourselves" Tommen said holding his wife's hands. Blanche nodded her head in understanding, in fact she did not want this type of life. She wanted to have a husband that is kind and to have a simple life. So Blanche is all for surrendering. 

Standing outside of the city, Arthur's army broke the walls of the city, flooding into the city. Killing everyone in the path, wasting no time on getting to the red keep where the king and the queen was, Arthur along with his kingsguard found the young boy king and his wife. Tommen pledges to Arthur that he does not want the crown and that he wants to live. That he wants to leave king's landing, Arthur was moved by his offer but Arthur can not let Tommen live. Because he is still a young child that can be easily manipulated, and if Arthur does not act this boy will become a man and he will come back to take the crown from him. So Arthur got down to Tommen's level. Looking him in the eyes.

" Kiss your wife" Arthur said, Tommen was confused about the reason but he did it anyway. As they both kissed, both were stabbed in the side. They were carefully placed on the ground of the throne room, Arthur will make sure that this young boy gets a decent burial in king's landing in the sept. 

Celeste watches Arthur move to the iron throne taking a seat on the ugly chair made out of swords.

" Now we begin" Arthur spoke with a smile on his face. 

 After a few months in king's landing Arthur cleaned up a lot of issues all over the seven kingdoms, the only issue was the north. The north was not going to bend the knee to another southern king. Celeste knew that she had to get to the north for some reason, but other than that she could not stop thinking about the other stark children, she knows that Sansa was save in Winterfell with the tall woman, Brienne of Tarth keeping her safe and Jon was acting lord but he was made the king of the north by the other norther houses after killing off the Boltons.

But no one had see Arya since Eddard Stark's murder from Joffrey. Celeste had enough of waiting so she went down to the stables and grabbed her horse getting it ready for the ride to the north.

" Going somewhere?" Celeste did not turn around because she knew who it was.

" I have to do this. I have to go. And you can not stop me father".

" No, I can not. You make your path in this world, but one thing has to be clear. You better come back, or I will hunt down."

Celeste laughs, " I have no doubt in my mind that you would do that."

" Be safe. Keep your mind straight and sharp."

" I will. And the same for you. King's landing might have a new ruler but it is still the same rat den of lies and murder"

" Very true. Go on"

Celeste moved out of the city making her way to the home she was raised in. Going to see the family that she longed to see again, and to help them on anything that will they need.  

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