Chapter 5

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After house Frey killed half of the members of the Starks, Criston and his daughter traveled further into the north. They could not get to the three eyed raven but they found someone with the sight. For Celeste to see what Criston has been telling from the very start. 

When she saw the past and how her father came back by the children of the forest, her mind was utterly confused. 

" What the seven hells! You? it's true? Wow". 

" I know it is hard but it is true." 

" Now what do we do?" Celeste says

But before Criston could say anything Lannister men came into the house where the two were. These Lannister men were killing the north anyway the walk. Criston took Celeste as fast as he could and they ran They got on their horses going back down the neck where king's landing was. 

" Where are we going?!" Celeste shouted

" Over the narrow seas. There is someone that can offer our help to, and we will be safe there for a time until the lannisters are dead." Criston shouted back as both moved fast going over the fields. Meanwhile in King's landing Sansa has gotten hurt by her husband and it was just a matter of time for Victoria Lannister make her plans to kill of her family. Because she could not stand any of her family members and she was looking for on killing Cersei and Joffrey. Because in truth killing those two will better the seven kingdoms. 

Victoria had her plan already made where she will act on it during the royal wedding. Where she plans to kill Joffrey and her sister Cersei when that is done everything else will work out. Where in fact Victoria already kill Juliet back at Casterly Rock without anyone knowing about it. For Joffrey he was over the moon on marrying Lady Margaery Tyrell where he did not care about the death of his grandfather nor the pain Sansa was going through. The plans of the royal wedding was being done and guests from the seven kingdoms were coming to king's landing for Joffrey Baratheon's wedding. 

A few days in king's landing 

" Welcome everyone to the royal wedding of the king and the new queen of the seven kingdoms" 

" Long live King Joffrey and Queen Margaery!" 

Everything went well for the wedding as it could be. Cersei wore a black dress because the lost of her father and her first born daughter was in Dorne only leaving two children with her that she can control. Moving into the night Joffrey was about to bed Margaery but did not because Victoria was already in the room. She had cloth covering her face so no one can know that she is behind it all. Victoria planted poison in the food and drinks within the room, she stayed to watch them die, just like Cersei, Victoria can see the game Margaery is playing. 

Joffrey was the first person to eat the food and Margaery followed after him. And soon both started to lost their breath, then slowly slipping away. They died without a sound in the room. Victoria moved out of the king's room where no one saw her. She moved to the next target which is Sansa. Entering the room she saw Sansa sleeping in a ball on the bed. She woke Sansa up. 

" My lady. get up. we need to leave" . Victoria said

Sansa was confused on why Victoria was helping her but Sansa jumped at the chance to leave king's landing once and for all and to never to come back unless all of the Lannisters were died. Victoria and Sansa went threw the streets of King's landing going to the docks, getting the boats so they can get to the ship, so they can book it out of here. The bad part is that Victoria could not get to Cersei in time, Victoria had to make a choice on what she should do. Kill her sister or save Sansa. She can get to her sister and her brother later. But she does worry about Tyrion, because Cersei will blame him for the death of Joffrey. 

In the morning in king's landing the bodies of King Joffrey and his wife and queen were found dead in the king's rooms. Cersei broke more, Joffrey was her first born and there he was dead, the very first thought that came into her head it was Tyrion. She was going to kill him, it did not matter if there was no prove nor trial for him. To her it is Tyrion's fault for the lost of their mother, father, now her son. 

There is where Tyrion got into trouble. Soon after Cersei ordered Tyrion's arrest for the murder of Joffrey but Jamie was in his brother's corner. It was going bad for Tyrion but with luck Lord varys was able to get him out of King's landing, 

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