Chapter 10

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Finally getting to winterfell after so long away. When Celeste reached the front gate of the castle she was stopped but Jon was coming out of the crypts. When he saw celeste Jon grew overjoyed seeing Celeste. He had no idea that she was still alive. Jon came over to her embracing her into his arms after so long apart from each other.

" Where have you been? " Jon spoke

" It is a long story. But I am happy to be back".

" the same, I was worried that I would never see you again, when you went to king's landing and I went to the night's watch". Jon said

Both of them moved into the castle more and Sansa was coming out of her office and when she saw Celeste a smile grew on her face. Sansa made her way to hug Celeste. Soon enough Arya surprised Celeste in the courtyard of winterfell, it was a blessing to be back home. To the things that Celeste knows. In a meeting with all of the northern houses inside the great hall of the castle. 

" The war is not over. The dead are coming and we need to be ready for it. I have faced them with my brothers of the night's watch and the night king will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We need to prepare for it, we are on our own out here. The people that are not going to fight make our way to the crypts, it will be the safest part of the castle." Jon said to everyone 

Everyone that was in the main hall made their way around the castle getting their weapons along getting other things ready for the battle that will be coming sooner than later. 

Many were scared for their lives which was understandable. Every northern house was standing alone. The women and children along with the ones that can not fight were moving to the crypts while almost the rest of people were taking their spot without the castle. Arya, Sansa, and Celeste were standing on the pathways of the castle looking out at the soldiers readying themselves for death to come. The light was going away, turning dark real fast and getting colder. It was too quiet, the wait was killing every breath of everyone standing just waiting for something to happen.

 Celeste was looking out to the darkness of the bitter cold, she looked at Sansa. " You need to go down to the crypts, Sansa."

" I am not leaving my people" Sansa said

" Celeste is right Sansa, go" Arya spoke

Sansa looked at both of them before leaving, she made her way to the crypts. Celeste and Arya kept looking out just waiting. The sudden change of the air, death was here. The army in front of the castle fired their first shot but it was hard to do because it was a wave of death crushing the army they had. Losing many in one go but the army in the front was fighting with everything they have, not going down without a fight. The fighting between the dead and the live members of each northern houses along with the remaining wildings were going head to head with each other. 

Able to put the walls on fire so the dead would burn and not get into the castle but it did not work because there was too many of them, Celese took one part of the castle killing left and right as for Arya did the same with the help of Ser Davos on the other part of the castle. Celeste was fighting a few at once with the doors broken up showing a walker coming into the courtyard. The walker looked directly at Celeste and he made his moves towards her. Celeste was able to get help before the blow was given to the walker. Celeste went head to head with the walker, killing it easily. And when killing that walker the dead he created dropped. Celeste was able to catch her breath for a moment before getting tackled down to the ground by a few more dead men. She was stabbed by one of them but she was able to get the dead off of her, killing them right away with her valyrian sword. She got up on her feet ready for more, since the doors were broken the dead started to come in waves. 

Celeste was cutting each left and right that came towards her. Arya was fighting each dead man inside the castle. Arya became scared from fighting them, but she did not stop. Arya was able to get inside the castle and the hound followed her, Celeste cut down 50 dead men when she was pulled from behind and slammed into the walls of the castle. The broken wall was all ruined Celeste looked up seeing it was another walker that was coming her way. Celeste gets up grabbing her sword and blocks the blow from the walker ice sword giving her time to get up on her feet. 

Celeste used her sword making the walker fall back, the walker came back with more force towards her, cutting Celeste's side. That pissed Celeste off and she raised her sword up getting the walker, the walker shattered into pieces.

 Celeste felt great victory on that but it was short lived because more of the dead came through the doors of the castle. But Celeste gripped her sword tight and she ready herself for the next way of the dead. Celeste was inside the castle getting away from the walkers that spotted her earlier. She can not understand why the walkers were coming after her and only her, of course they killed anyone that was in their path but they wanted her for some reason. Inside the castle Celeste was moving soundless through the halls, not looking where she was going and a dead man saw her. She did not run, she killed the dead man but the walkers knew where she was and they came right away. After killing the few that were in the room she saw five walkers standing in front of her.

" Shit" she mumbled to herself.

She looked at each of them seeing who will be the first one but no they all went at the same time. To the outside eye, Celeste can not win the fight. Celeste was able to kill one walker from the five, making it four. But these four were butul, one gave Celeste a punch to the face, Celeste hit the ground losing her sword for a brief moment giving the walkers the choice to kill at away or to hurt her more, they chose the latter.

One walker came to Celeste to give her another punch, the others followed the first one's lead giving Celeste punches, kicks, and even picking her up to throw her to the wall. She got up by grabbing her sword fighting the four at the same time, able to kill them in a short time. But it did not last because Celeste looked up seeing the night king looking at her with no emotion on his face. In that moment she knew that she might die and she made her peace with that. She stood tall holding her sword close to her. The night king walked closer to her, so close that he was looking down to her face. He grabbed her throat bringing her up choking the life out of her, as she looked into the night king's eyes she saw that the night king had blood coming from him. That the night king was bleeding? Before Celeste could think or say anything the night king stabbed her in the heart.

The night king dropped her on the floor leaving her, but the thing is that the blood that came from the night king is something that is valuable knowledge. Unknowingly the night king transferred his blood to Celeste and Celeste being sort of different, how the children of the forest helped her to be born. Something happened when the blood was transferred, what happened? Well time reset itself.

Staring at the very beginning for all, but things changed majorly. What is known before is not true any more.


Celeste -

Waking up in sweat, I see that I am in the woods, looking up at the sky. The only problem is that I can not move, feeling some pain thrown out by my body. I try to keep my eyes open but I can not. My eyes slowly close again.


In King's Landing

" Seeing her in the vision she was in an area full of woods"

" That sounds like the riverlands"

" Everything is ready your grace"

" Good. Let's go to the north".


BOOK 2 is coming 

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