Chapter 7

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In king's landing the new king was walking around with his mother by his side. Tommen only had his mother, but Tommen needed to find a hand where Tommen made his uncle Kevin his hand where also Kevin looked for a bride for him. Where lady Blanche Lefford a house in the westerland, she came with her family ready to see the king. 

Seeing Blanche come into the red keep and where she will take the crown, become queen for all of the seven kingdoms. But for Criston and Celeste made it over the narrow sea looking for Prince Arthur Targaryen where Criston will offer his sword to him. Being a part of the king's guard to Arthur, and also Criston could do and watch his daughter. Help Arthur to get to the throne and not Daenerys. Criston is against the fact that Daenerys is trying to get to the throne. But Arthur had people inside to help get closer to throne.

 Celeste had no choice in the matter so she went with her father and when she saw the court of Arthur and Arthur himself she was drawn to him. Celeste found him interesting and Criston saw how she was looking at him.

In essos Arthur has his ships and his men backing him, Arthur is ready to get his throne. It took a few months to get everything ready. Training, loading the ships with his men that will fight for him and not Daenerys. Which was hard because she had the unsullied, dragons, and many more following her.

 It is a race for both of them to get to the throne. So in Essos more joined Arthur and his court showing Prince Oberyn and his lover with his bastard daughters ready to fight the lannisters, to end them all. Even to kill the young king if need be, Tommen is way out of his debt and there is nothing he can do. After the wedding of King Tommen and now Queen Blanche Lefford, Kevin the hand of the king was making a match for Cersei. That is going to go well. Not. Cersei would not marry anyone anymore, she did not need anyone. She had her children and since she killed Jamie she moved to her other brother Corvinius. Where Corvinius was all for it, and when they spent time together, he would tell Cersei how he hurt Sansa in their time together. He would laugh and so did Cersei.

Between the two of them they would be working on getting rid of Blanche and the threats that are coming their way.

" 10,000 men have reached Essos Prince" A dorne soldier said to Prince Oberyn Martell

" Good. I am more than ready to kill Lannisters. Especially the mountain." Prince Oberyn said out loud.

" Your grace there are something that you need to see" a man said to Arthur.

" Bring it through" Arthur said

The guards brought Lord Varys and Lord Tyrion Lannister into the court of Arthur.

 " You must be Lord Tyrion Lannister the most famous dwarf in westeros" Arthur said

" And you are Lord Varys, the spider' Arthur said

" What can I do for you both" Arthur spoke again, taking a seat inside the court.

" Not what you can do for us but what we can do for you, your grace". Tyrion Lannister said.

 Is that so? Well I believe you, both. I can see that you both will be beneficial to me. Especially you lord Tyrion, I have heard many things. Is it true that you killed Joffrey Baratheon?" Arthur said

" No your grace, I did not but at times I wish I had". Tyrion spoke the truth to Arthur. Arthur half smiled at Tyrion truth.

" Very well, let us move on. Get the ships ready, it is time to make our move to king's landing and get my throne once and for all." Arthur said walking out, his king's guard followed him out. And then the ladies followed after them heading to the ships. Celeste was heading to a different ship but was pulled by someone else, a dornish man that is a part of the inner circle of Arthur Targaryen. Celeste was placed on Arthur's ship where the inner circle is. Celeste walked up on the deck of the ship, she stood near her father who was standing near the king. 

 " Set the sails" Arthur said

" Set the sails!" 

The ships went off from Essos making their way to King's landing.  

Lady Lefford. Queen of the seven kingdoms.

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