Chapter 8

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On a warm day in king's landing little finger was working its way into the lannisters and the remaining starks. While pulling the strings of the vale and lysa arryn. But being with lysa arryn was not good enough for little finger, he wanted all of the power but he needed to get rid of the big players of the game. Cersei tasks little finger in finding Sansa but Sansa was taken by Brienne after Victoria Lannister dropped her off in a safe area in the north.

" Remember Sansa, be careful who you trust," Victoria said while leaving Sansa in good hands. She was going back to king's landing to kill Cersei and Corvinius while she still could. After she competeles that she has to make her way to Dragonstone if Arthur does not come after that. She will leave the other bastard children of Cersei to Arthur and his army. Because she has no feelings towards Tommen, Mycrella and Amarei. She will be glad to see them go.

" My love, control yourself. Everything is going to be okay. I am here with you. Not to worry, lysa" little finger said in the vale where they are close to the moon door, but the moon door was open. In a blink of an eye little finger pushes lysa though the moon door killing lysa getting the full power of the vale. Where little finger was a few steps closer to the throne, but little finger will never get the throne.

 Back in Dragonstone, Arthur Targaryen made it there where he saw Daenerys Targaryen with her own army. Both armies faced off with each other, Daenerys was grateful to see Arthur, she thought that Arthur was there to stand by her and help her get the throne. All moved inside the castle of dragonstone. Leaving only a few for each other Targaryen's, Arthur had his close group of people that he trusts inside the throne room of the dragonstone and the same for Daenerys. Arthur had his group surrounding Daenerys' men, they were waiting for Arthur's order to kill Daenerys and anyone that will stand up to them. 

But there was a sound coming from the back doors of the castle showing Victoria Lannister and Elena Targaryen coming into the throne room. Elena Targaryen nodded her head towards Arthur. Elena walked closer to Daenerys slowly pulling out a small dagger from the sleeves of her dress. Elena slowly looked at her older sister, " I am so sorry. But you are not supposed to be Queen". Elena said then she took the dagger and stabbed Daenerys, some of daenerys' men took action but they died right away by Arthur's men. 

Elena slowly put her older sister on the ground, Celeste was kind of surprised by the action that was taken and for the fact that Arthur had more spy's then she could think of. Elena stood up from Daenerys body and Arthur stepped forward. " Is it taken care of?" Arthur asked Victoria. " Yes, no problem" Victoria spoke back to Arthur. Then Arthur turned to Tyrion Lannister, " Well now, you are the head of the Lannister house and I know that there will be no issue between us for the future. Since one large threat has been taken out now there is a boy that has to be dealt with. And I am sure there will be less resistance when it comes to it." 

All moved like nothing happened, but Celeste had a feeling that she needed to be somewhere else and she tried to move off the castle of dragonstone but she was stopped by Arthur's men and then she was stopped by her father. She had to make her father understand that she needed to be somewhere else but her father, Criston would not hear it. He wanted her to stay focused on the task at hand. That they take king's landing before anything else. To her dismay she agreed with her father, it can not take too long to get king's landing from a boy, as Tommen is a young boy with a wife that does not have any children.

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