Chapter 2

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" Please let father say yes. I will be Queen of the seven Kingdoms, it is what I want, and father would be the most important man in the world." Sansa said as Catelyn fixed her hair for the night's feast. 

The night's feast was going great, Lady Stark made up a spot for Jon to seat with them during the feast and Cersei hated that but she could do anything because Robert did not care because he see Jon as Ned's son nothing more. So Jon sat down by Robb and Theon at the table. Cersei had Sansa come over to the table to see what kind of person she is. And to see if she bleed yet so Sansa can marry Prince Joffrey. 

But during the feast Arya throw food at Sansa making everyone laugh but not Lady Stark, She called Robb to remove Arya from the feast. The rest of the night went smoothly after that. The next day all of the men were going hunting on the grounds with the king. The Queen stayed behind where also Jamie did the same. They went somewhere to be alone for a while, but for Eddard he said yes to Robert on being the new hand of the king. And Robert was great full that Eddard said yes and to the  marriage with his son and his daughter. Hours later Bran went climbing on the walls of the castle where he came across the Queen and her brother.

They freak out and ending with Jamie pushing Bran out of the tower. Making Bran paralyzed and unconscious for weeks. Where Eddard along with Sansa, Arya and Celeste were going with him to King's landing. And for Jon, he was joining the black, it was something that he wanted for himself, to prove himself. 

All said goodbye to bran before leaving winterfell and Catelyn stayed by her son side not wanting her husband to leave again. she could not take it, the pain hurt her so much. But there is nothing for her to do and or for Eddard, he agreed to the terms to Robert. Eddard had to see it threw. Over the narrow the seas there is a family that had everything thrown at them, only leaving three young people, the royal family of the 'last Targaryen's" under the care of  Targaryen loyalist.

Where Prince Viserys Targaryen sold his sister Daenerys to a horse lord, Khal Drogo. By now they are in there home of the dothraki of Khal Drogo, and for Daenerys is happy in the first time in her life. Where she is understanding the ways of her people, and being there for her younger sister, specially to keep her sister away from Viserys when every she could. 

In mere matter of months Daenerys would become pregnant with a child. Nothing could not get better. 

But in on the king's road all were heading back to king's landing, all stopped at the cross road to rest and stock up. Where Sansa was walking her dire wolf but got scared by the hound. Joffrey showed up telling the hound off and Sansa loved it. They started to walk off just talking to each other where the two of them saw Arya practicing with wood swords with her friend and Joffery being the prick he is cut Arya's  friends face and she took upon her self to protect her friend.

Ending up them fighting going to Arya's dire wolf saving her and biting Joffrey's arm, Arya got her dire wolf off of Joffrey and she threw his sword into the water near the crossroad. Arya and her dire wofl run off to hide because she knew that something bad would happen to her dire wolf. Arya was successful on getting her dire wolf out alive, she hoped. But later Arya was taken by Lannister guards and that pissed off Eddard Stark, and he went off in public. 

" How dare you speak that way to the king" Cersei said

" Shut up woman" Robert said back holding slight disgust towards Cersei

Between the king and Eddard the whole issue was fine until Cersei opened her mouth. That she wanted a dire wolf to pay for her son. Ending up having Sansa's dire wolf getting killed for no reason. And that made a rip between the sisters and for Sansa having a rip with her father. 

But Eddard got Arya dancing lessons, water dancing from the master Syrio Forel. Arya went at it during the months there were there. And during those months they were there, Eddard worked as the hand of the king. There is where things got dark, meaning information got threw to Robert about Daenerys Targaryen being pregnant by her horse lord husband. 

And Robert wanted her died, Eddard saw this was madness and he did not want anything to do with it. Eddard threw the hand of the king pin on the table of the small council. The whole time Eddard was finding out the truth of the royal family. That the children are not Robert's but Jamie the Queen's brother. Eddard was trying to find the right time to tell Robert about that. Up in the north, on the king's road Catelyn was with Ser Rodrick when Tyrion Lannister walked into the keep.

And Catelyn ordered the arrest of Tyrion Lannister, where they will travel to the Vale, to have trial for Tyrion Lannister. The news of Tyrion Lannister being taken by Catelyn and going to the Vale made Jamie full of rage and he tracked down Eddard Stark in king's landing where he was coming out little finger brothel where they had a meeting. Jamie demanded that Catelyn release Tyrion now, but ending up in brawl in the streets of king's landing. Jamie fled off to his father, Eddard Stark leg was wounded but that did not stop Robert giving the hand of the king pin back to him. 

" We will talk more when I get back from hunting. And gods drink some wine, you will look alive". Robert said as he left the room. Later that night Eddard thought it would be best if the girls went back home where they will be safe from the Lannisters and the rats that are living in king's landing. 

But Sansa wanted to stay and marry Joffrey. In the next morning Eddard called for the Queen where Eddard offer for her and her children to leave king's landing before the king came back because Eddard was going to tell him the truth. Renly later found Eddard walking the halls, Renly had blood his hands, telling Eddard that Robert does not have long.

Eddard seeing Robert on the bed dying he could not tell him the truth but he wrote it down as the king's last words, that would mean nothing later. Eddard is later betrayed by almost in king's landing, he was arrested and the Lannister army was cleaning house of the Starks. 

Varys went to the black cells to convince Eddard to plead for his life for his daughters, and of course he will do anything for his daughters. Sansa herself got her knees to beg for her father towards to Joffrey. And Joffrey said that he will be merciful towards Eddard Stark if he says the truth on wanting the throne for himself and his family. At first Eddard was not going to do but Varys remained him of his daughters. He later agreed on doing that, where he says his crimes and he will go to the wall of the night's watch but no. That was not the plan for Joffrey. 

" Bring me his head" Joffrey said

Sansa started scream and shout, trying to get to her father and the same for Arya but Arya was stopped by a member of the night's watch making sure that she does not see what will happen. Celeste was in the crowd as well trying to get to Eddard to save him but she was hit on the back of the head hard and she dropped on the ground. But in the crowd it can  be seen by a man picking up Celeste and putting her over his shoulder.

The unknown man started to leave king's landing. Arya was taken by Yoren, he cut her hair making her look like a boy to keep her unnoticed by the lannisters. They were able to get out of king's landing heading to the wall, where Yoren will drop her off at Winterfell. 

Leaving Sansa alone in king's landing with the lannisters, and where Tywin Lannister will make his way there but that will have to wait because due to Joffrey's actions the whole North rose up and a war has started. Along with the Baratheon brothers, and Daenerys Targaryen with her sister following behind her, both of them don't have to worry about their brother anymore. Both of the Targaryen girls started to make their way, getting closer to the throne. 

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