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if you're reading this and i haven't given you permission go away❤️
/srs like i will block people

group: the f(l)ags

lippmann: important question

iceman: i don't like where this is going

lippmann: fuck u too

lippmann: does anyone else think chuuya's dads are hot

albatross: LMAO????

lippmann: i'm being so serious

iceman: chuuya nakahara?

lippmann: chuuya verlaine-rimbaud

albatross: that's the same chuuya

lippmann: WHAT

albatross: yeah his last name in the school system is nakahara but socially he uses verlaine-rimbaud

albatross: it's his dads last names he just hasn't legally changed it

lippmann: ok then yeah that chuuya whatever his parents are hot

albatross: i have his discord bc we talk in some classes want me to add him

lippmann: NO he scares me

iceman: he's 5'3"

lippmann: yeah and he's terrifying

lippmann: would love to befriend him tho

Glad you're here, chuudelune.

lippmann: fuckin hate you albatross

albatross: LOL

chuudelune: uh

chuudelune: albatross told me to not ask questions and just accept the invite so

chuudelune: hello ig

albatross: hold on let me change your nickname

albatross: there

chuuya: ok

iceman: who are you

chuuya: i'm chuuya

chuuya: or chu

chuuya: either one works

chuuya: nice to meet you, discord user what tf is the midwest

doc: oh is this the kid with the dilfs

lippmann: i'm about to commit a felony

piano man: [screenshot]

screenshot description
albatross: wake up babes there's a child in the gc
end screenshot description

piano man: it's 8am on a weekend can you all choke

piano man: i'm anti children

chuuya: i am seventeen years old

albatross: you're not anti children stop lying🫵

piano man: no one told me the child was chuuya nakahara i take back my words

chuuya: i don't use nakahara

piano man: my bad

piano man: alright i have some questions for you since you're new

piano man:
1. are you single
2. are your parents single
3. do you like 9-1-1 who's your favorite character from either of the shows
4. do you play genshin impact and who do you main
5. do you want to kick albatross in the face yes or yes
6. do you follow lippmann on tik tok. if yes why

chuuya: okay

1. no
2. no????????
3. i am tyler kennedy strand
4. yes unfortunately i main childe and heizou
5. sometimes /j
6. no i unfollowed him after he called my parents hot /j again

doc: his parents are taken damn

doc: sad day for lippmann

lippmann: kys

doc: damn

piano man: he likes tk he can stay

lippmann: if we're gonna out me for saying his parents are hot then im gonna add fuel to the fire and say his older sister is too

iceman: you just met the kid stop saying his family is hot

lippmann: ur right i forgot to say hes hot too

chuuya: is this the part where i talk abt my bf

lippmann: iceman, analysis

iceman: bf is osamu dazai he's the principals kid so be careful. has three adopted siblings two brothers one sister

doc: we r truly putting the L in lippmann today

lippmann: KYS

chuuya: i feel Threatened slash nsrs

chat: tyrannus dazilton, chuudelune

chuudelune: osamu

tyrannus dazilton: good morning my love

chuudelune: that caught me off guard i forgot what i was gonna say for a sec

tyrannus dazilton: LMAO

chuudelune: anyways good morning i love you Please Help

chuudelune: so this kid i talk to in class sometimes added me to a server w his friends

chuudelune: [screenshots]

chuudelune: oh and i'm pretty sure lippmann is rin kamei

tyrannus dazilton: THE TIK TOK FAMOUS ONE? THE MOVIE STAR????

chuudelune: that would be him yes

tyrannus dazilton: why tf does iceman know so much abt me

chuudelune: hes just like that i guess

chuudelune: u should come over i want kiss and i want you to see this gc

tyrannus dazilton: bet

tyrannus dazilton: did paul and arthur say yes

chuudelune: paul isnt here rn he had a meeting but arthur said yes

tyrannus dazilton: cool im omw

chuudelune: see u soon <3

tyrannus dazilton: <3

group: the f(l)ags

albatross: so yeah thats why i dont talk to principal fukuzawa like ever


chuuya: wtf

albatross: welcome back chuuya

lippmann: omg where did u go i missed u

chuuya: bothering bf

lippmann: understandable

iceman: weird question

iceman: what does chuudelune mean

chuuya: it's my name plus claire de lune which is moonlight in french but it translates literally to "light of the moon" so my user is basically "chuuya of the moon" idk i thought it was neat

iceman: oh sick i like it

piano man: that's pretty cool actually /gen

chuuya: thanks

chuuya: french is my first language so i throw in references wherever i can

doc: thats so cool????????/

chuuya: :)

albatross: i can forgive your frenchism . For Now

chuuya: LMAO

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