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i am a firm believer in they/them sigma you will never catch me referring to them in any other way
also i'm trying to remove every mention of mori but there's def some i missed in chapters after this. not fixing it again

group: the f(l)ags

osamu: siblings loved the gifts guys

ryuu: hot CHOCOLATE🗣️🗣️

piano man: slay

chuuya: just saw a russian

osamu: are you safe

lippmann: wild or domesticated

chuuya: wait is sigma russian

osamu: they are not but their last name is dostoevsky #adoptedbyrussians

chuuya: did not just see a russian

albatross: HDHAHFBAJF

chuuya: i see my worst enemy. The Russian

osamu: omg fyodor

osamu: my favorite (only) ex

albatross: i wish i was a woman from the american south

chuuya pinned a message.

albatross: i'm on a ROLL

shirase: i am eating the most exquisite pickles rn

shirase: they're spicy and i have no spice tolerance so i am in fact coughing like a sickly victorian orphan but bro they're so good

chuuya: WICKLES

shirase: YES BRO

chuuya: i love those things fr

lippmann: pickle enjoyers 🤢🫵

chuuya: :(

lippmann: you're right i'm sorry chuuya


iceman: using the favoritism to your advantage. smart

chuuya: i am so spoiled fr

chuuya: speaking of. place your bets folks will i 🥺 my way into a c6 alhaitham or will i disown myself

ryuu: can you 🥺 your way into getting me a c6 xiao

chuuya: you know it😏

ryuu: 😏

osamu: my little brother ranpo edogawa (age 16, DOB being october 21, 2006, about 5'3", father is yukichi fukuzawa, siblings are osamu dazai [me], ryuunosuke akutagawa, and elise fukuzawa, in free time enjoys reading, solving mysteries, hanging out with boyfriend, and hanging out with me) just got back from chick fil a (he purchased an ice cream cone)

piano man: ???????????????????????????????????

osamu: was i not clear

piano man: you were very extremely clear i feel like i know ranpo personally now

piano man: but also wdym people born in 2006 aren't middle schoolers

albatross: i feel like im ranpos doctor or something

albatross: is there anything else i should be aware of mr dazai

osamu: he's got a touch of the 'tism and may or may not begin talking to you about various crimes at any given moment

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