the edge of tonight (69.5/flag day special)

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happy flag day to all who celebrate and happy two year friendversary to me and tylenol🥰 i actually started the written portion of this in january of 2023. so. umm. beach flags finally showing its face!! it's not super well written cause it's just meant for here now but enjoy it anyway

little note before we get into the story
piano man: 🎹
lippmann: 👄
iceman: 🧊
doc: 🩺
albatross: 🦤
chuuya: 🎩

group: the f(l)ags

piano man: i just opened this app WHY are rin and albatross matching bakudeku pfps

albatross: BAKUDEKU SLIME💥🥦

lippmann: BAKUDEKU SLIME💥🥦

lippmann: he told me he'd let me do his hair if i did this

albatross: i am nothing if not committed to the bit

shirase: the first thing i think of when i wake up every morning is "bames nond's having a stronk, call a bondulance"

albatross: you're the realest person i know

shirase: k-kacchan🥺

albatross: STOTP

iceman: fineas and pherb

piano man: don't like that

piano man: anyone wanna go to the beach

lippmann: YES

iceman: yeah sure

albatross: ALWAYS

shirase: i can't😔

doc: omg i wanna

piano man: i'll text chuuya. shirase we'll get you someday😔

shirase: real!!!!!


Chuuya was sitting at his desk, attempting (and failing) to get some homework done. Honestly, he'd be more productive if it wasn't for Criminal Minds. Along with the ten other open tabs on his laptop. Truthfully, Chuuya brought this on himself.

As he was about to open yet another tab to distract himself with, Chuuya heard his phone vibrate on the desk. A text was displayed on the screen.

birdbrain: can we honestly e date? you're so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... [read more]

Nope, wait, that's the text from Albatross he's been ignoring for three hours. The new text was from Piano Man.

bff sora: beach tonight?
bff sora: if yes albatross wants to drive you

Chuuya smiled softly. He wasn't a huge fan of leaving the house often, especially at night, and his friends knew this. They always made the effort to include him, though, which meant a lot to him. One of these days, Chuuya would accept their nighttime beach invitation.

And apparently, that night was tonight. Chuuya was willing to do whatever it took to get out of doing this homework. Online college is a bitch.

me: yeah sure
me: why does he wanna drive me tho
me: i feel like getting out
bff sora: also idk about albatross he just said he calls dibs on driving you so
bff sora: i'm so excited now. we're gonna have so much fun fr

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