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It was already starting to be a bad day but it somehow got impossibly worse. First, I got stuck in traffic, next I spill my coffee, now this. 

"Midoriya, I'm sorry but I just getting to old for this, my wife needs me at home." Aizawa spoke with a saddened tone.

"Don't be sorry sir! I completely understand why you need to step down... though I will miss you a lot." I said with a sincere smile.

"Thank you Izuku, I will miss you as well," Aizawa said returning the smile "Now if you will excuse me I need to finish packing up my office after all my successor will be here tomorrow." He waved before walking into his office.

I sighed, wondering what it would be like with out him. I hope the new guy will be just as productive and respectful as Mr. Aizawa. I hope he also wont over work me just because I'm his assistant. It was nearly the end of the day and I had finished very little of my work. I had spent to much time talking with co-workers and listening to all the gossip about "the new guy."

--------Next Morning-------

I grumbled to myself as I walked into the building, we had a new boss. It was hard enough preparing for Aizawa's departure but even worse setting up for the new guy. I walked to my desk placing down my coffee and starting up my computer. I needed to make copies as well as deliver Ochako's, my best friend, coffee. 

I made my way completing my everyday tasks and chatting with co-workers. I finally made my way back to my desk to find the door to the office open. Me being my overly curious self popped my head in the door.

There stood a tall strangely familiar blonde on the phone. He seemed tense and annoyed, I decided against interrupting  but before I could make my escape...

"Need something?" He said as I turned around a slight blush of embarrassment spread across my cheeks.

"Oh no! I was just being nosy." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh, well do you know where the hell my assistant is?" He said hanging up the phone and placing it on his desk.

"Oh um, that would be me." I nervously chuckled.

"Oh, well then," He walked towards me. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou." He extended his hand to shake mine. 

"I'm Izuku Todoroki! It's good to finally meet you," I gave him a warm smile. "Is there anything I can do for you or get you?"

"I'm okay at the moment. Though I am new to this area and I was wondering where I could get the best food?" He seemed to have a glimpse of confusion in his eye from my previous statement.

"Oh um I know this great place let me just go grab a sticky note I'll write it down for you-"

"I was actually wondering if you could take me, I would love to get to know my assistant better."

"Oh uh of course! My break is around 12:45ish does that work for you?"

"Yes Thank you...Deku." I swear I stopped breathing for a moment. I hadn't heard that nickname in years. 

"Wait, Kacchan?!?!" He chuckled a bit, he has always had a nice laugh. "Why didn't you say something sooner!" 

"I thought you would recognize my name but you are an idiot sometimes so..."

"Still the same Kacchan I see, you were being so nice that's why I didn't realize it was you."

" Mhm sure.. anyway we can catch up later, I have a meeting I'm going to be late." He said with his famous smirk picking his phone and placing it in his pocket before walking out with a small wave. 

Bakugou had a shade of red covering his cheeks and let a breathe out he he didn't know he was holding. 

He's so attractive now, fuck. I mean I knew I was gay but not for that stupid nerd. I mean he is attractive and totally a bottom but- What the fuck Katsuki, he's your childhood bestfriend. He probably likes someone or is dating, I don't like the way the sounds but I need to chill its my first day here and I'm already sounding like a high school girl. But what's up with the whole Todoroki thing? I swear his last name was Midoriya?


I was started to get annoyed at how slow the wifi was, I brushed my curls back and grabbed my phone while my computer buffered.



Hubby ❤💍

Hey babe how is work going, the new boss nice?


Its going slowly.. my dang computer won't load! And you will never guess who it is! Remember Kacchan?

Hubby ❤💍

Your bestfriend from a while back? the rude one?


Yep! I was so relieved I was scared of it being some homophobic bald man. 😭😂

Hubby ❤💍

I'm glad it wasn't, by the way I wanted to tell you


A stack of papers was tossed on my desk causing me to look up. 

"Ready nerd?"

"Oh! yes one second" I look back down at my phone.



Hubby ❤💍

I'm glad it wasn't, by the way I wanted to tell you I will be home late so don't wait up


Okay! Me and Kacchan are going to lunch I'll text you later, Love you!


"Okay! lets get going." I say picking up my coat and stuffing my phone in my pocket.

We made out way out of the building and to a small noodle shop.

"Crazy Noodles? That's a lame name." Kacchan said as he held the door for me.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I simply stated before we were seated by a waitress and given menus.

"You ganna get katsudon?" I looked up at him. 

"You remembered, maybe you did care Kacchan." I said making a pouty face, he just rolled his eyes.

"Of course I did nerd." He said looking anywhere but at me.

"You've gotten soft" I smirked.

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